Lady Captain Autopiloted Ship Right Up onto a Reef – IOTW Report

Lady Captain Autopiloted Ship Right Up onto a Reef

The Telegraph

A New Zealand naval ship that sank after smashing into a coral reef in the South Pacific was left on autopilot, an inquiry has found.

An interim report into the incident said human error was to blame for the sinking of HMNZS Manawanui, the first ship that New Zealand has lost since the Second World War.

Yvonne Gray, the vessel’s British-born captain, is originally from Harrogate, Yorkshire, and previously served in the Royal Navy before moving to New Zealand with her wife.

She became the target of online trolling in the wake of the £48-million ship’s sinking on Oct 5, prompting New Zealand’s defence minister to criticise “armchair admirals” and stress that Commander Gray’s gender was not to blame. More

NZ has an idiot for a Defense Secretary, Judith Collins, who need to resign instead of gassing on about global warning. More

Bearing and spouse have a good hard laugh at New Zealand, their navy and their Defense Secretary. Watch

33 Comments on Lady Captain Autopiloted Ship Right Up onto a Reef

  1. “Yvonne Gray, the vessel’s British-born captain, is originally from Harrogate, Yorkshire, and previously served in the Royal Navy before moving to New Zealand with her wife.”

  2. ^^^^ I read the same, except what I read said she was a Lezbo School teacher from Yorkshire and the first time she set foot on a Navy Vessel she was the Captain. And why not, anybody can do it.

    They can run the ship on autopilot, after all. – Dr. Tar

  3. Harry

    True story. I was working at a small machine shop when I was young and they had a couple coil winding machines that a Lezbo couple ran. One day the ended up with a big mess of balled up wire and I was the guy designated to fix the mess. So I asked in front of a fairly large group, Any buddy have a pair of dikes? I was actually being serous but the entire place erupted. Well except for two people.

  4. “However, the report has revealed that the crew failed to realise the vessel was on autopilot. They wrongly believed that its failure to respond to direction changes was because the thruster control had failed.”

    …in fairness to Cap’n Cunniligus, while her crew training and management skills may be as abysmal as the depths she sent her ship to, that is some TRULY shit automation design.

    Control authority should ALWAYS and IMMEDIATELY revert to the human operator upon ANY manual input. This is true in airplanes and true in cars, no reason it should NOT be the case in a ship, especially a WARship where you may be stressed all of a sudden by people actively trying to kill you and not need to be arguing with Hal about it.

    Not that they displayed any indication of competency, depth of training, or any actual ability to think under pressure like you would WANT combat sailors to have or anything, but the ship’s crew should not HAVE to “check that the ship was under manual control rather than in autopilot” in a crisis situation, that’s just STUPID.

    I do automation programming and human/machine interfaces so I know whereof I speak. At some point, you have to be able to trust your operators.

    If you CANT, you have failed them as you failed in training them to basic competency and evaluating that competency, and probably dont deserve a leadership role anyway.

  5. Bad_Brad
    Wednesday, 4 December 2024, 19:40 at 7:40 pm
    “So I asked in front of a fairly large group, Any buddy have a pair of dikes? I was actually being serous but the entire place erupted. Well except for two people.”

    …I do work with a female technician at times, and while there’s little doubt she’s interested in men in her off hours, I am still very careful to ask for “side cutters” when the subject comes up, mostly for HR reasons because you never know who’s listening…

  6. SNS

    There’s more to that story. Both these woman were great people. Think late 70’s real early 80’s. Before they became militant. I apologized to them in private. That’s when they laughed. I was actually the third person not laughing because I was actually looking for a pair of Dikesidecutters. If that would have happened today I probably would have been fired. That was the very last employer I worked for. The day I quit the forceful one showed up at my apartment after work. She asked if she could tale a shower and we were off and running after that. She stopped by about 5 Fridays in a row a disappeared. Including from my ex employer. I hope she got swept off her feet by some guy and they’re growing old together.

  7. A few years ago we were having a yard sale and these two lesbians showed up, one of them looked like your regular dike, trying to look like a man, the other was actually a cute young lady, with long wavy brown hair, thin, dressed normal.
    They bought a dining table and I told them my husband and son would be back in a few minutes and they could load it for them, but I couldn’t help as everyone helping had left to go get some more change and lunch.

    The Dyke was going to show off her masculinity and was going to carry this very heavy dining table out by herself. She didn’t move it more than a few inches before she decided she needed help. Then the dumbass backed over the guideline on the electric pole causing me to have call the electric company to come fix it.

    I tried to get my son to tell the cute one she needed to get her a real man. He wouldn’t do it though. lol

  8. Since she’s a lesbo, she’s probably opposed to anything with the word, “man” as part of its description – as in “manual”. Something she should have used to help prevent running aground.

  9. “… £48-million ship’s …”

    I don’t know exchange rates, but that ain’t much of a warship, is it?
    That’s chump-change compared to what the demonrats are laundering through Ukraine.

  10. @SNS: There may be some versions of the Airbus 300 series that does not disengage the flight director (autopilot) when a manual control command is input. And I believe the two 737 MAX crashes were caused by automated elevator inputs that manual control did not over ride/cancel the automation. That optional safety system required two switches to be thrown to disarm the automation.

  11. Lowell
    Thursday, 5 December 2024, 6:32 at 6:32 am
    “@SNS: There may be some versions of the Airbus 300 series that does not disengage the flight director (autopilot) when a manual control command is input. ”

    …I was under the impression that Airbus addressed some of their automation authority issues after their airshow disaster when the show plane flew serenely into a grove of trees after a low pass.

    …still, Airbus works off the predicate that pilots are stupid and engineers are smart so their systems ARE weighted towards automation authority, while Boeing has been typically the reverse.

    The Boeing MAX issue as I understand it stems from the trim system working to adjust for the different engine positions this variant has that is determimed by an angle of attack sensor that has been rather problematic. This is an automation problem, but the automation doesnt KNOW its a problem because its getting bad input…and if the pilot takes over, hes working from the SAME bad input information.

    But both of those are civilian aircraft which normally only need to worry about being shot at in Haiti, so the pilots have time to think about how to balance their automation and manual inputs in most cases, whereas a warship presumedly has people actively engaged in trying to sink it at times and may need sudden overrides to programmed manevers at any time to avoid this.

    Because of that alone, I would still argue that it should NOT requre specific actions from any human to disconnect the automation other than making manual control inputs. Sure, make the thing squall like a cat being dragged to a cooker in Ohio when it happens so the whole bridge crew KNOWS the automation is disabled, but the crew in combat should NOT have to fight their own automation in addition to any external enemy they may face.


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