Lasik Instinct – IOTW Report

Lasik Instinct

I’m aware that my ass looks like a bag of flapjacks,” she jokes. “But I’m not trying to be the best-looking broad in the world. At a certain point you start asking yourself, ‘What really is sexy?’ It’s not just the elevation of your boobs. It’s being present and having fun and liking yourself enough to like the person that’s with you.

As we wrap up the interview and she prepares to slip out of her bathrobe, Stone smiles slyly, picks up my tape recorder, and holds it to her mouth, enunciating slowly into the microphone. “If there’s anybody out there who’s an adult and who would like to ask me out,” she says, “please call Harper’s Bazaar.

12 Comments on Lasik Instinct

  1. She’s photoshopped. And even as an amateur, I could have done a better job because her head doesn’t look like it belongs on the body in the first shot.

    Anyone in hollywood have the balls to show up as God made them? At some point, doesn’t this get old to the viewers? We know they don’t actually look like that. I give Sharon’s attempt
    4 and a half yawns. LOL.

  2. Photoshopped big time. The eyes tell the story.

    A single diffuser that is positioned almost dead on. No other side or under lighting used for there are no additional reflections in the eyes.

    Yet look at the shadows, predominantly and some heavily, to the picture left. (We used to do a little professional portrait photography.)

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