Laura Loomer CONFRONTS Chris Cuomo! (VIDEO) – IOTW Report

Laura Loomer CONFRONTS Chris Cuomo! (VIDEO)

Laura Loomer confronts Chris Cuomo over CNN meme blackmail.
Laura Loomer of faced off against CNN’s Chris Cuomo about his network’s bullying of the creator of a funny viral image showing Donald Trump “wrestling” with the channel.
Today, Rebel reporter Laura Loomer caught up with Cuomo at CNN’s offices in New York and asked him why he deleted the tweet that encouraged the extortion of a private citizen.
CNN security told Laura to stop filming and asked her to leave the sidewalk (which is public property.)


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12 Comments on Laura Loomer CONFRONTS Chris Cuomo! (VIDEO)

  1. Good for her.

    James O’Keefe is an inspiring role model.

    We may be watching the actual demise of CNN. Can’t come fast enough.

    I’d have expected Time Warner to have cracked down on CNN antagonizing the POTUS on Nov.09.16.

    Trump’s easiest payback is just to not approve the TW-ATT deal. It’s insane to let CNN continue as they do. They should be offering PDT his choice of CNN heads attractively displayed on platters. With apologies, and roses.

  2. He’s even more of a punk lowlife without the studio lighting and some producer feeding him responses through an earbud.

    That’s a genetically, inheritedly punch-able face.

    American people really need to see more of these people unscripted and live, with their smug uglinesss revealed.

  3. Como was quite docile in the face of that pedestrian on the street asking him questions… where was the usual tough guy, car crashing, drunk driving, brother of the guvna ??? He is a tough guy on tv but not in real life. This is REALLY getting good when the media activists are getting a dose of their own medicine. They cant handle the paradigm shift of being the pursuer to the pursued.


    Then post a photo of their building # and information.

    Funny how he ran away the first chance he got, and ducked into a van. Real brave there buddy.

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