Lawsuit Forces California Department of Ed to Remove Aztec God Chants From Ethnic Studies Curriculum – IOTW Report

Lawsuit Forces California Department of Ed to Remove Aztec God Chants From Ethnic Studies Curriculum

CA Globe: The California Department of Education (CDE) agreed to drop two religious chants from its ethnic studies model curriculum (ESMC) during the weekend after parents, the Californians for Equal Rights Foundation, and the Thomas More Society threatened to sue them over breaking state and federal constitution religious provisions.

Recently, the CDE had added two chants, the Aztec “In Lak Ech” affirmation and the Yoruban “Ashe” affirmation to ESMC education. ne chant invokes Tezkatlipoka, a major Aztec god. Specifically, the chants would be for both “love, unity, and mutual respect” and “seeking the roots of truth, respectfully. Translated words would use Tezkatlipoka’s name before reciting “Seeking the truth of the roots, elders and us youth”.

While the CDE said they meant it as a way to show the culture and history of Mexico, parents quickly noted that since it invoked a religious deity, and using it in a chant or prayer, it stood at odds with the constitution. The Thomas More Society, who took up the case on behalf of the parents, specified in their lawsuit that it violated the California constitution’s Free Exercise Clause, which guarantees free exercise and enjoyment of religion without discrimination or preference, and the No Aid Clause, which prohibits government entities from endorsing or aiding any religious sect, church, creed, or sectarian purpose. read more

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