Lawyer For Omar Mateen’s Wife Says She’s Too Hopelessly Thick To Be Complicit In Terrorism – IOTW Report

Lawyer For Omar Mateen’s Wife Says She’s Too Hopelessly Thick To Be Complicit In Terrorism

DANGEROUS: During the closing arguments in the Noor Salman trial at federal court in Orlando Wednesday, the defense argued Salman was innocent because she is “simple” and has a low IQ.

Salman is accused of aiding her husband, Omar Mateen, in planning a mass casualty ISIS terrorist attack at Pulse Orlando nightclub in June 2016, which left 49 people dead.

During the closing arguments on Wednesday, the prosecution claimed that Salman is guilty of aiding and abetting her husband, who carried out the terrorist attack, as well as obstruction of justice.

Salman pleaded not guilty, with the defense and her family developing creative excuses for the ISIS widow.

Among claims that FBI agents who interviewed Salman fabricated her written statement, the defense also argued that Salman has an IQ of 84 and wasn’t smart enough to know about her husband’s plans to carry out an ISIS terrorist attack. Salman’s defense attorney described her as a simple woman with limited intellect and poor English language skills who has only had two jobs her entire life.

During the closing arguments, the prosecution quickly rebutted claims that Salman wasn’t smart enough to understand what her husband was doing, citing examples such as Salman’s associate’s degree, her motherhood, and the fact that she was competent enough to search for instructions on how to add a beneficiary to a life insurance plan.

Following the closing arguments, Salman’s family addressed the media outside of the courthouse. Susan Clary, the spokesperson for the Salman family said, “We’re here to say, and we’ve said over and over everyday that Noor Salman is not capable of having participating in any way in this horrible crime. Noor Salman is a victim of Omar Mateen.”

Salman’s family continued to defend her outside the courtroom, arguing Noor had no way of knowing her husband was planning to carry out a terrorist attack, but evidence presented by the prosecution during the trial suggests otherwise.

During the trial, it was revealed that just days before the attack, Mateen asked Salman, “What would make people more upset? An attack at Disney, or a club?’ more here

15 Comments on Lawyer For Omar Mateen’s Wife Says She’s Too Hopelessly Thick To Be Complicit In Terrorism

  1. If we start excusing criminals because of a sub-85 IQ, we will empty the prisons. I might even be OK with it if we prohibited them from voting too. And approved open-season on them.

  2. If she is truly that stoopid, then why isn’t she either institutionalised in a mental hospital, or with her “keeper”? Either way, she shouldn’t be running around on the loose.
    The defense lawyer may be helping her escape one prison, only to put her into another.

  3. The low IQ defense won’t work.

    We have evidence a woman with a very low IQ from Calif. can be elected to Congress. She keeps going on and on about – something 45. I think it might be her IQ number, and she believes it’s something to brag about. If a low IQ can gain a seat in Congress, it can also earn a seat the at defendant’s seat in court.


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