Leftist Response To Rampant Muslim Terror – Regulations On the Internet – IOTW Report

Leftist Response To Rampant Muslim Terror – Regulations On the Internet

Theresa May Says The Internet Must Now Be Regulated Following London Bridge Terror Attack

Terrorism works. In the wake of every jihad attack comes sharia-backed policies, legislation, and submission. Freedom of speech is not the problem. Free exchange of ideas is not the problem. Islamic texts and teachings that exhort to jihad is the problem. The West means to silence the mechanism in which those religious teachings are shared? That is a primitive as jihad savagery.

19 Comments on Leftist Response To Rampant Muslim Terror – Regulations On the Internet

  1. Yeah. That’s the ticket!
    Either that or all of England convert to izlam at once.

    Do the fukkin limeys have any idea … oh … forget it.
    Bend over, England!
    You fukkin stooges voted for this – you got it!

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Yeah so, they have 7th century beliefs and those who are already radicalized can pick up a current century burner phone to communicate their latest attack.
    Then what? Shut down Ma Bell?

  3. @Tim June 4, 2017 at 5:56 pm

    > Just an aside – the PM should be tarred, feathered, and beheaded.

    That’s exactly why “Theresa May Says The Internet Must Now Be Regulated”

  4. @Cherrybark June 4, 2017 at 8:52 pm

    > Web 3.0 is on the horizon. A completely distributed internet, coming from the infant technologies related to BlockChains.

    Uhm, no.

  5. Oh for fuck’s sake… We know goddamn well who is going to be cracked down on first in this “well regulated internet”… anyone criticizing Islam… And the rag heads will still be allowed to use it to spread their filthy satanic religion and plan more acts of terror. Western leaders are utterly worthless now. They make Louis the XVI look like Dwight D. Eisenhower in comparison.

  6. 80%+ of “the internet” is encrypted without any knowledge of the source or the destination or the content.
    It was made that way and distributed publicly in order to mask confidential government communications.

    Government can’t regulate the internet, it wasn’t designed that way, unless government wants to regulate themselves and threaten themselves… which, heck, at this point who am I to say. Go for it.

  7. It’s never going to stop until we get rid of the politicians who created the problem so they could expand their voter roles and then deal with the root of the problem. Islam.

    Muhammad was a narcissist, a pedophile, a mass murderer, a terrorist, a misogynist, a lecher, a cult leader, a madman, a rapist, a torturer, an assassin and a looter. He was no more a prophet of God than was Jim Jones or David Koresh. These terrorists are only following his written instructions.

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