Let’s Play MAD LIBS – IOTW Report

Let’s Play MAD LIBS


Because this list would surely drive Libs to madness.

Who would you like to see in these positions and/or which would you like to see cut?

Fill in the blanks: [Copy/paste and fill in your answers, please]

Attorney General:
Secretary of State:
DHS Secretary:
Secretary of Defense:
Department of the Interior:
Secretary of Energy:
Surgeon General:
National Security Adviser:
Chief of Staff:
Treasury Secretary:
Secretary of Agriculture:
Commerce Secretary:
Secretary of Labor:
Secretary of Education:
Veterans Affairs:
EPA Director:

Read this article to see how your choices compare.

40 Comments on Let’s Play MAD LIBS

  1. Attorney General: LocoBlancoSaltine
    Secretary of State: LocoBlancoSaltine
    DHS Secretary: LocoBlancoSaltine
    Secretary of Defense: LocoBlancoSaltine
    Department of the Interior: LocoBlancoSaltine
    Secretary of Energy: LocoBlancoSaltine
    Surgeon General: LocoBlancoSaltine
    National Security Adviser: LocoBlancoSaltine
    Chief of Staff: LocoBlancoSaltine
    Treasury Secretary: LocoBlancoSaltine
    Secretary of Agriculture: LocoBlancoSaltine
    Commerce Secretary: LocoBlancoSaltine
    Secretary of Labor: LocoBlancoSaltine
    Secretary of Education: LocoBlancoSaltine
    Veterans Affairs: LocoBlancoSaltine
    EPA Director: LocoBlancoSaltine

  2. Attorney General: Guiliani
    Secretary of State: Bolton
    DHS Secretary: Who was that guy who blew the whistle about Fast and Furious?
    Secretary of Defense: one of the generals that obummer dumped
    Department of the Interior: Cliven Bundy
    Secretary of Energy: Palin – drill baby drill!
    Surgeon General: Carson and DHHS director at the same time
    National Security Adviser: Frank Gaffney
    Chief of Staff: Gingrich
    Treasury Secretary: Cain
    Secretary of Agriculture: why?
    Commerce Secretary: somebody hated by the USCOC
    Secretary of Labor: Why?
    Secretary of Education: Whoever was at the forefront of the common core resistance, to dismantle it
    Veterans Affairs: West
    EPA Director: Make Palin director of this also, so she can dismantle it just to piss-off the lefties even more!

  3. Attorney General: Rudy Giuliani
    Secretary of State: John Bolton
    DHS Secretary: A Fighting General
    Secretary of Defense: The Herminator
    Department of the Interior: A Cattle Rancher
    Secretary of Energy: Exxon/Mobil
    Surgeon General: Ben Carson
    National Security Adviser: Someone who can say, “Bomb them back to the Stone Age”
    Chief of Staff: Mike Lee
    Treasury Secretary: Not Sure, maybe the guy from Fast Times at Ridgemont High?
    Secretary of Agriculture: A Farmer
    Commerce Secretary: Someone who actually RAN a Business
    Secretary of Labor: A non-Communist
    Secretary of Education: A Conservative Teacher
    Veterans Affairs: A VETERAN!
    EPA Director: Don’t need one… nobody wants a destroyed environment

  4. Attorney General:Trey Goudy
    Secretary of State: Newt
    DHS Secretary: Joe Arpaio
    Secretary of Defense:Flynn
    Department of the Interior:Cliven Bundy
    Secretary of Energy:Palin
    Surgeon General:Carson
    National Security Adviser:Ralph Peters
    Chief of Staff:That Son in Law what’s his name
    Treasury Secretary:Rand Paul with his Dad as assistant
    Secretary of Agriculture: Jodi Ernst
    Commerce Secretary:Reince Prebus
    Secretary of Labor:Herman Cain
    Secretary of Education:Chris Christy (throw the fat bastard a bone, he stood up first for The Donald)
    Veterans Affairs:Allen West, Include powers of instant military tribunals with execution power
    EPA Director: Ted Nugent

  5. I read some of the Wikileaks and Pence was never on the many lists they passed around of tiered suspected DJT VP picks. I suspect more surprises for those stil using conventional wisdom.

  6. Attorney General: Rudy or possibly Trey Gowdy
    Secretary of State: Bolton
    DHS Secretary: Jeff Sessions
    Secretary of Defense: Gen Flynn
    Department of the Interior: no idea
    Secretary of Energy: Sarah Palin
    Surgeon General: who cares?
    National Security Adviser: um. Not sure. Gen Flynn would be good here too
    Chief of Staff: Newt
    Treasury Secretary: someone who can use Turbo Tax maybe
    Secretary of Agriculture: Jodi Ernst
    Commerce Secretary: no idea
    Secretary of Labor: GONE
    Secretary of Education: GONE
    Veterans Affairs: Allen West
    EPA Director: GONE

  7. Attorney General: Crispy Creme
    Secretary of State: Ann Coulter
    DHS Secretary: David A. Clark, Jr.
    Secretary of Defense: David Petraus
    Department of the Interior: Donald Trump, Jr.
    Secretary of Energy: Christopher Monckton
    Surgeon General: Ben Carson
    National Security Adviser: Rudy
    Chief of Staff: Newt (but it’s probably Rinse PreRinse)
    Treasury Secretary: Ron Paul (bwaaaaaa haaaa haaa)
    Secretary of Agriculture: Do away w/ it
    Commerce Secretary: Newt
    Secretary of Labor: Ivanka Trump
    Secretary of Education: No one ~ do away w/ it
    Veterans Affairs: any Veteran that today has to deal w/ this Department
    EPA Director: No one ~ do away w/ it

  8. Attorney General: The current NY AG, indian guy, forget his name
    Secretary of State: Bolton
    DHS Secretary: Giulani
    Secretary of Defense: Mattis
    Department of the Interior: Ted Nugent
    Secretary of Energy: Coburn
    Surgeon General: Carson
    National Security Adviser: Mike FLynn
    Chief of Staff: gingrich
    Treasury Secretary: santelli
    Secretary of Agriculture: grassley
    Commerce Secretary: thiel
    Secretary of Labor: rand paul
    Secretary of Education: virginia foxx
    Veterans Affairs: gohmert
    EPA Director: not needed, it should be eliminated. If i have to pick, Rick Perry.

  9. Attorney General: Ted Cruz
    Secretary of State: Pat Buchanan
    DHS Secretary: abolish the position and dept
    Secretary of Defense: Matt Bracken
    Department of the Interior: abolish the position and dept
    Secretary of Energy: abolish the position and dept
    Surgeon General: abolish the position and dept
    National Security Adviser: Pamela Geller
    Chief of Staff: Lew Rockwell
    Treasury Secretary: Ron Paul
    Secretary of Agriculture: abolish the position and dept
    Commerce Secretary: abolish the position and dept
    Secretary of Labor: abolish the position and dept
    Secretary of Education: abolish the position and dept
    Veterans Affairs: Lee Greenwood
    EPA Director: abolish the position and dept
    Have you got this far without your head exploding? (-:

  10. Eliminate
    The Deptartment of Energy
    The Department of Education
    The EPA
    The Department of Agriculture
    The Department of Interior
    The Department of Labor
    The Department of Commerce
    That’s just a start.

  11. Attorney General: Chris Christy
    Secretary of State: Newt Gingrich
    DHS Secretary: Rudy Guiliani
    Secretary of Defense: Gen. Flynn
    Secretary of Energy: Sarah Palin / drill baby drill
    Surgeon General: Ben Carson
    Chief of Staff: Kellyanne Conway
    Treasury Secretary: Mitch Daniels
    Secretary of Agriculture: Sonny Beck . This dept is huge it has the free lunches, Food Stamps, 3/4 needs demolished.
    Veterans Affairs: A veteran
    EPA Director: None – demolish it

  12. Attorney General: Rudy Giuliani
    Secretary of State: John Bolton
    DHS Secretary: Newt Gingrich
    Secretary of Defense: Allen West
    Secretary of Energy: Sarah Palin
    Surgeon General: Ben Carson
    National Security Adviser: Michele Bachmann after she dismantles EPA
    Chief of Staff: Herman Cain
    Treasury Secretary: Rand Paul
    Secretary of Education: Sarah Palin part-time until she dismantles it
    EPA Director: Michele Bachmann

  13. Attorney General: Leonidas’ Wife from 300
    Secretary of State: Kojak
    DHS Secretary: Skynet
    Secretary of Defense: Patton
    Department of the Interior: Joe Bass
    Secretary of Energy: Daniel Plainview
    Surgeon General: That chick from Prometheus
    National Security Adviser: Spock
    Chief of Staff: T’Pol
    Treasury Secretary: Milburn Drysdale
    Secretary of Agriculture: Oliver Wendell Douglas
    Commerce Secretary: Ricky Roma
    Secretary of Labor: Joe Bass
    Secretary of Education: The Dude
    Veterans Affairs: Gunny Highway
    EPA Director: Uncle Joe

  14. I’m going to trust whomever Trump assigns. One thing is sure, all these people are going to go through an exhaustive vetting. Look at the presidential appointment info on the transition website. You better be squeaky clean.

    Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

  15. Attorney General: Rudy

    Secretary of State: John Bolton

    DHS Secretary: Eugenia

    Secretary of Defense: Allen West

    Department of the Interior: Chief Wahoo

    Secretary of Energy: Sarah Palin

    Surgeon General: Ben Carson

    National Security Adviser: Walid Phares

    Chief of Staff: Newt

    Treasury Secretary: dunno’

    Secretary of Agriculture: Gary Taubes, end the absurd sugar subsidies

    Commerce Secretary: combine with labor into one agency
    Head it with any kickass Gunnery Sgt, any Sgt. Major with Herman Cain and Ivanka

    Secretary of Education: Bad_Brad so he can delete it

    Veterans Affairs: dunno’

    EPA Director: Bobby Jindal so he delete it

  16. @HoosierGirl, do farmers need the gov’t to tell them how to grow and produce food?

    After 4 years of President Trump one would expect the Food and Nutrition Service (SNAP, etc) part of Dept of Ag to be considerably downsized due to lack of need.

  17. Attorney General: TREY GOWDY

    Secretary of State: NEWT GINGRICH


    Secretary of Defense: ADMIRAL “ACE” LYONS

    Department of the Interior: JOE ARPAIO

    Secretary of Energy: SARAH PALIN

    Surgeon General: BEN CARSON

    National Security Adviser: GENERAL JERRY BOYKIN

    Chief of Staff: JOHN BOLTON

    Treasury Secretary: ANN BARNHARDT

    Secretary of Agriculture: SCRAP THE DEPTARTMENT ALTOGETHER.

    Commerce Secretary: HERMAIN CAIN



    Veterans Affairs: GARY SENISE


  18. Attorney General: Gowdy
    Secretary of State: Tom Cotton
    DHS Secretary: Pamela Geller
    Secretary of Defense: One of the generals 0bama fired
    Department of the Interior: I like Jethro’s idea – one of the Bundys.
    Secretary of Energy: Jon Voight
    Surgeon General: Ben Carson
    National Security Adviser: Robert Spencer
    Chief of Staff: John Bolton
    Treasury Secretary:
    Secretary of Agriculture: My neighbor
    Commerce Secretary:
    Secretary of Labor:
    Secretary of Education: Patriot Nurse
    Veterans Affairs:
    EPA Director: Abolish the EPA

    damn, I left out Giuliani and I’m too tired to start over. He gets a top position. Love the guy.

  19. I agree with Dianny’s list–she included Senator Jeff Sessions on hers. HE was the first and pretty much only Senator to endorse Trump a year ago this past summer. HE stood up against illegal immigration in the Senate pretty much alone. Yes, he looks like Bob Gates and yes, he is quiet but man, he is a bulldog. I definitely want Amb. Bolton as Secretary of State so he can do a 3 Stooges move on the Dims that got rid of him. Remember how he stood up for us against the UN?
    BTW, are we getting rid of the UN??

  20. Attorney General: Jeanine Pirro
    Secretary of State: Donald Rumsfeld
    DHS Secretary: N/A*
    Secretary of Defense: Donald Rumsfeld
    Department of the Interior: N/A*
    Secretary of Energy: N/A*
    Surgeon General: Sweeney Todd and Donald Rumsfeld
    National Security Adviser: General Flynn
    Chief of Staff: Dick Cheney
    Treasury Secretary: Donald Trump (he can do both)
    Secretary of Agriculture: N/A*
    Commerce Secretary: Ivanka
    Secretary of Labor: N/A*
    Secretary of Education: N/A*
    Veterans Affairs: General Flynn (he can do both)
    EPA Director: N/A*

    * Will not exist

  21. @ eugenia, no farmers dont need govt to dictate how to farm. But I think the agency that collects farm production data is important in cases like a drought year. They would know how much grain they would need to import from other countries.

  22. The EPA, BLM and the IRS, three agencies that are proven to have been weaponized against the American people.
    Burn them to the ground and start over.
    The VA, once a good organization that has been used to line the pockets of an out of control bureaucracy.
    DoEd. for the children, really? Get rid of it, the federal government has no business in the schoolrooms.

  23. Attorney General: Rush Limbaugh
    Secretary of State: John Bolton
    DHS Secretary: Sarah Palin
    Secretary of Defense: Sean Hannity
    Department of the Interior: Tucker Carlson
    Secretary of Energy: T.Bone Pickens
    Surgeon General: Due to Budget Cuts This Position No Longer Exists
    National Security Adviser: Joseph Stalin
    Chief of Staff: Newt, is their any other Newt?
    Treasury Secretary: Milton Friedman
    Secretary of Agriculture: Some Farmer in Iowa
    Commerce Secretary: Paul Ryan
    Secretary of Labor: Due to Budget Cuts This Position No Longer Exists
    Secretary of Education:Due to Budget Cuts This Department No Longer Exists=It Has Been Insourced to the States
    Veterans Affairs: Rambo
    EPA Director: The Terminator

  24. @Hoosier Gal:

    It concerns me that few on here want to do away with Dept of Ag. Dont you think feeding the country is IMPORTANT???!!!

    It’s very important, and that’s why govt ought to have nothing to do with it. Plus there’s nothing in the Constitution to allow it.

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