LEVIN: San Jose Riots Were an ‘Attack on America’ – IOTW Report

LEVIN: San Jose Riots Were an ‘Attack on America’

DougRoss: Mark Levin came out firing in response to the disgusting street riots in San Jose last night outside a Donald Trump rally.

The protesters were carrying Mexican flags, burning American flags, and assaulting Trump supporters as well as police officers. Levin said, at this point, it’s not only an attack on the right, or on Trump, but “an attack on America.”

Levin spent the first 10 minutes of his radio program absolutely eviscerating the rioters.


14 Comments on LEVIN: San Jose Riots Were an ‘Attack on America’

  1. Doug Ross & Mark Levin

    Two former fonts of info now dead to me-killed off by TDS. Irrelevance isn’t just stalking them, it’s broken into their homes and is raiding the refrigerator.

    I could give a rat’s ass(and not a bit more) about anything they have to say.

  2. Hey. Take it easy on Levin. Many of us are not Trump fans. He really was over the top on his accusations, particularly the one about Lee Harvey Oswald and Cruz’s father. That shit is tinfoil hat stuff. Bug fuck crazy.

    But of the 3 certifiably insane candidates, somehow Trump is the least objectionable.

    330 million Americans and these 3 are the best we’ve got? We’re in serious trouble. Oh and don’t whip out your Johnson on me.

  3. I’m a bit confused. I take it by the comments that you approve of Mexicans beating on Americans, or is it because Levin sees through Trump’s con that stokes such anger?

  4. @iratenate

    No, not at all. Look at my comment from yesterday under first post on San Jose riot. Burning American flags and waving Mexican flags while assaulting attendees is driving America into Trumpster’s arms.

    He’s not my favorite, but he’s the best of what’s left. Do I appreciate some of his rhetoric, particularly on border security? You bet. Do I like his scorched earth attacks on good guys like Cruz? Not one bit.

  5. I am weary unto death of Conservative Puritans griping about Trump, like the Republican Party is an Oasis of Conservative thought.
    If Trump was not what they wanted their dickweed RNC leadership should have ousted him, not embrace him so they could use him as a whipping boy to spotlight Jeb. They wanted to use his draw to bring eyeballs to the debates. They wanted a laugh. Then he stole their lunch.
    Same for the other side.
    The DNC has no love for Bernie, but they love the ambulatory sign carriers and egg throwers.
    Levin is right, Trump is NO Conservative.
    But the Establishment let him in, they gave him the podium, smirking at how he would make even Jeb Bush look palatable, and then he kicked all their asses.
    So my advice to Conservative Purists (besides: Come down off the Cross, we need the wood to build a bridge to help you get over it): This is an opportunity to see if a true Conservative Party can stand on its own in the free market of ideas. Not for this election (that train has left the station). But four years, starting with the inertia of how fed up we are of the status quo, is plenty of time to get your shit together.
    Because that’s what the Lefto/Communo/No Border-o crowd will be doing.

  6. To all those that think Levin’s derangement regarding Trump is a unique phenomenon should be aware he did the same crap with Romney. Night after night during the 2012 campaign season Levin attacked Romney as “not a true conservative.” Levin’s loud mouth attacking of the Republican nominee is not new with Trump. I truly believe Levin was a huge contributor to the demoralization of Republican voters in 2012 that caused these voters to stay home so we ended up with four more years of shithead Obama. I truly hope Levin’s lost his influence this time around.

  7. You all are so clouded by trump that you will spew this hatred about one of the last conservative staples that is actually still standing for the cause? There are a lot of us who are not trump fans and last time i checked we were still allowed to have an opinion. All of you that think levin is establishment why would you think that? Was he supporting jeb bush while i was asleep or something. Im a millennial and he is one of the biggest reasons i am a conservative and a conservative living in maryland at that.

  8. The injured should sue the financiers of the rent-a-mob under RICO in federal court.
    Not only would it be a wake up call for the people on both sides that are creating these things, it would shine a bright light on who they are.

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