Lib Director says Don’t Bomb ISIS, “Love” Them – IOTW Report

Lib Director says Don’t Bomb ISIS, “Love” Them 

Liberals often attack conservatives for being “closed-minded,” “ignorant,” and sometimes even “uncultured.”

What is surprising about these names, is that so often it’s liberals who fit that mean-spirited description.

Whether on college campuses where conservatives ideas are not allowed to enter the minds of students because they are considered “offensive.” So, instead students will demand a “safe space” where their “open minds” are not forced to consider a diversity of ideas.

Or when they argue that acculturation and cultural “appropriation” are wholly racist trends that demean, not praise, the culture being appropriated. (Apparently, the old maxim of imitation being the most sincere form a flattery is not appreciated on college campuses.)

However, I think that liberals are most often unmasked as “ignorant” when they blindly assume that every culture, every faith, every tradition, and every person hold the same basic values and same basic core tenets. I think this willful ignorance of the world around them is what endangers our nation, our culture, and our world most today. Allow me to explain by introducing you to Josh Fox, the liberal director of such cinematic refuse as Gasland.

When Fox learned that President Trump had authorized the military to drop the “Mother of All Bombs” (MOAB) on ISIS in Afghanistan, he was inconsolable and he argued that instead we should be loving ISIS into submission.

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18 Comments on Lib Director says Don’t Bomb ISIS, “Love” Them

  1. So recently there was a horrendous story on this site about what ISIS did to a pregnant woman and her unborn child. Someone please share that story with this retard and ask him to comment on how he plans to love that much evil out of these people. I mean, how does that even work? Do you just hug them so tightly and with so much love that the evil just oozes out of them, like squeezing a tube of toothpaste?

  2. Why don’t we try that in Chicago first? Come and hug some of the gang thugs doing all the killings? If it works then he can move onto ISIS

    I’m with Trump. Keep removing the problem

  3. Eager to see all the articles about wealthy, Left-Wing Hollywood Communists opening their homes and hearts to ISIS and illegal immigrants. Let’s all hope and pray that they party-hardy.

  4. I will always remember Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf’s response (paraphrasing) to a reporter who asked him how you fight a war against those that are willing to die for what they believe in.

    Gen. Schwarzkopf’s response: “You accommodate them.”

  5. A couple of things come to mind after reading the story. Poor old Josh is going to go crazy now that America has a real President rather then a liberal construct and that he is neutering the EPA and fracking will be back. Also, when Dana Loesch (sp) commented how well loving Hitler would have worked this little douche tossed down his Jewish card saying he is the grandson of jews that survived the holocaust and seemed to say she’s not allowed to use this reference. Well, I have news for you Josh, you’re two whole generations from those brave people and you don’t get to associate or compare yourself to there experience anymore then I do. In any event get ready for his next documentary about the pipeline protest bt the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe against an oil pipeline. Is this the one where the demonstrators left an ecological nightmare? Hey, maybe Josh can go to the middle east and meets with representatives of ISIS and offer to love them. Of course he may find himself starring in a video as he’s tossed from a ten story building and video’d all the way down by ISIS filmmakers.

  6. Go then, and love them.
    Get back to us on how that works out.
    I for one, name them limbs of Satan, and by the rules of modern warfare, by not wearing uniforms they are rabble and deserve to be shot on site.

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