Liberal LA Times Chastises DiFi For Making the Left Look “Even Uglier” – IOTW Report

Liberal LA Times Chastises DiFi For Making the Left Look “Even Uglier”

Via Flopping Aces

LAT: Congratulations, Sen. Feinstein: You’ve managed to make our politics even uglier.

There are very few things I’m sure of in the latest, and worst, chapter in the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation saga.

It’s like a “Choose Your Own Adventure” book where every chapter ends with a thud at the bottom of an old well or the clanking shut of a dungeon door.

What if Christine Blasey Ford is telling the truth that, 35 years ago, a drunken 17-year-old Brett Kavanaugh pushed her down on a bed and covered her mouth in an attempt to sexually assault her?

For starters, she’ll never get justice. This will never see a court of law. There’s no way to prove it happened, not least because she cannot provide a time or place where the event allegedly occurred. The most Ford might get is vengeance by thwarting Kavanaugh’s dream of getting on the Supreme Court and destroying his reputation.

No matter what you choose to believe, Feinstein’s conduct is outrageous.

But what if her claim is only subjectively true? What if she felt like Kavanaugh intended her terrible harm, but he had no such intent, simply thinking he was being funny, flirtatious, manly or some other dumb idea drunk 17-year-old jocks sometimes have?

And what if the truth is somewhere in the middle? Do the actions, as described, tell us an enormous amount about the husband, father and judge of the last 35 years? The man has been through six background checks. No one has ever unearthed similar incidents, never mind a pattern of them. If anything, the well-documented patterns of his life and career suggest that the Kavanaugh of Ford’s memory is not the Kavanaugh he became — or perhaps ever was.

For the last decade or so, there’s been a growing argument for going much easier on young men who run afoul of the law because our brains aren’t fully developed until our mid-20s. Would it be fair to let this one event, if remotely true, eclipse everything else?

On the other hand, if Kavanaugh is lying when he denies all this, that would be bad, too.

Moreover, no one is talking about prosecuting Kavanaugh. He has no entitlement to a seat on the highest court in the land. If he did what Ford claims he did, not being a Supreme Court justice is a pretty light sentence.

What if Ford isn’t telling the truth? If it’s a deliberate lie, the answer is easy: This is one of the worst acts of character assassination and sewer politics in modern American history, and anyone involved should be held to account by the law and voters alike. All one need do is look under the rock of social media to see countless people insisting that Kavanaugh is a proven rapist or attempted rapist. If he’s innocent, that is horrific.  more

17 Comments on Liberal LA Times Chastises DiFi For Making the Left Look “Even Uglier”

  1. What does it say if the LA times feels like they need to take a shower after this trebuchet mud slinging attack?

    Drunk on power; that is the left and they are hearing the last call and they are apoplectic at the thought they might be cut off from the source.

    Desperate people will do desperate things. I’m beginning to think their own internal polling says there is no Blue Waive coming and they are just trying to stop the inevitable.

  2. The liberal media didn’t suddenly grow an conscience. DiFi is facing a Democrat challenger, Kevin DeLeon, due to California’s primary process where the two candidates who receive the most votes appear on the ballot in the general election, without regards to party affiliation. Clearly, the liberal elite want the far left (even compared to DiFi) anchor baby reconquistador Kevin DeLeon to win.

  3. I don’t think she is of sound mind. She has made several large judgmental errors recently, and they have been shown to have national consequences.
    Her seat should be sidelined, as in professional hockey, when a penalty occurs. The dnc has known about her financially benefitting from her chinese spy/office manager arrangement, and now she is attempting to subvert our very governmental process. They have in essence given their consent by not condemning her actions. Let them play with one less player for a while.

  4. I was with the Rite Bros. first flight…
    I do not remember the day, place, or year,
    Other people were there, but I forget most of their names,
    This was such a traumatic event, even though I have done nothing for years.


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