Lightning Kills More Than 300 Reindeer in Rare Mass Death – IOTW Report

Lightning Kills More Than 300 Reindeer in Rare Mass Death

NatGeo: More than 300 wild reindeer were recently killed by lightning at a Norwegian national park, officials say.

The Norwegian Environment Agency has released haunting images of reindeer—including 70 calves—that seemingly fell over where they stood in the grasses of Hardangervidda, the largest high mountain plateau in northern Europe.

The national park, the largest in Norway with wild reindeer populations, spans some 8,000 square kilometers (3,088 square miles) and is home to 10,000 to 11,000 wild reindeer.

While specifics on the lightning strike are still unknown at this time, it’s likely that the dead reindeer were a herd that huddled together to weather a severe thunderstorm that rolled through the area on Friday.

It’s not the first time that lightning has caused animal herds to die en masse.  MORE

21 Comments on Lightning Kills More Than 300 Reindeer in Rare Mass Death

  1. Cut ’em up. Salvage what you can. Give them to the Inuit communities. I bet they wouldn’t deny the help. You leave this shit up to DC or the Canadian DC you ain’t gonna produce shit.

  2. Meanwhile in a related news story, one of Santa’s reindeer has been named as a “quadruped of interest” in an ongoing investigation of the mass death. Speaking through his attorney, “Blitzen” maintains that he is merely the victim of an unfortunate naming coincidence, and he has declined to make any further comment at this time.

  3. lightning is very powerful stuff.
    50,000,000 volts at 18,000 to 30,000 amperes!
    It is mostly AC, Most of the energy is in the 1 megahertz range
    but extends out beyond 60 gigahertz.From what I have seen at radio
    stations lightning makes it’s own rules every time it strikes.
    You can ground the heck out of every piece of equipment with thick
    solid copper wire and 1″ copper ground rods 20′ deep in the ground and
    still it can incinerate your radio gear…

  4. over the years we’ve lost some bison to lightning. one here, two there…..damn lucky it wasn’t the whole herd.

    one pregnant cow once, the strike blew the unborn calf about 5 feet out of her.

    not a pretty sight

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