LinkedIn Has Begun Shadow Banning Conservatives – Top Businessman Has the Proof – IOTW Report

LinkedIn Has Begun Shadow Banning Conservatives – Top Businessman Has the Proof

NewBostonPost/Kyle S. Reyes:

Last week, I posted an article about a contract we make our employees sign covering everything from standing for The National Anthem, guns in the work place, and safe spaces to drinking on the job (we allow it).

It was a hit … getting more than 5,000 engagements in the first couple of days.

I can even still see it on my profile … so I didn’t know it had been “removed.”

Here’s the thing.  NOBODY else can see it — it’s been blocked.  With no notification given.  And if you click on the link on my other social media platforms (that worked for the first few days), it says the article has been removed.


..if we don’t start fixing this… it’s going to be a bigger threat to the next election that some unsubstantiated whining about “Russia.”

see the proof HERE

ht/ all too much

18 Comments on LinkedIn Has Begun Shadow Banning Conservatives – Top Businessman Has the Proof

  1. Gawd I hate Linkedin. I probably average 12 emails a day from people trying to get me to add them. Except I don’t have an account and never will. Some of these people I know, some I’ve never heard of. The ones I know I’ll shoot an e mail to telling them I’m not a member. The response is always the same. Oh you should join. I ask why and they always say, “So we can network”. I tell them, We’re networking now, why do I need to join Linkedin?

  2. It’s fascism.

    If you don’t create your own news organizations, own twitter (Gab), own schools (Christian) and own facebook stuff, you will live under Orwell’s 1984 shadow of darkness.

    As far as instant messaging and video chat like Skype, I use a Korean App, “KAKAOTALK” and it’s totally free and in English. Just pay for internet / wifi usage as normal.

    You ARE seceding from these people every day, you just don’t have the courage to secede by state and take your rights back.

  3. Once you get sucked in to LinkedIn you’re concerned that if you quit you lose your contacts. What a bunch of crap. All the social network butterflies that I want to do business with, I still do business with. Doesn’t Facebook own LinkedIn? That’s a good reason right there to say no thanks.

  4. Hey Joe

    You know one thing Linkedin is really good for. If you’re trying to bust a phone tree inside a potential customer all you need is one name of an employee. Just keep searching his friends and sooner of later you’ll find the person/position you’re looking for. But you don’t need to belong to search that stuff.

  5. You would think a company using linkedin in for its professed purpose could sue for fraud, breach of contract and any number of similar items with this happening. Hit em where it hurts.

  6. I want to use LinkedIn to troll old shitbag co-workers and bosses.
    I’m semi retired and not worried about an employer seeing me.
    Should I be?
    Is this a really bad idea, or just a marginally dangerous one?
    I keep vacillating on weather to do it or not.

  7. Anonymous

    You know why, otherwise you wouldn’t have posed the question the way you did. Sometimes walking away is the smartest, but the toughest thing to do. Builds character. So I’m told.

  8. I was shadow blocked on Twitter. Only started using an account within the last 6 months. I have another one I used for game updates for my kids and Sean Spicier (a funny Parody account) but did not want to mix the two. At first I received a variety of likes and retweets but after about 40 tweets it went silent. No likes, responses or comments. I decided to check it out with my other account and noticed I could not see any of my tweets on other accounts aka. CNN, Rosie, etc. I did a search and found my other account which listed the tweets but they were not appearing at that intended recipients. I thought maybe I don’t know how Titter worked and then 3 days later the O’Keefe Project Veritas info came out! I was blocked! I sent nasty tweets to Twitter but they only have a bot to answer FAQ. Decided t just delete the account all together. I am pretty sure the email I used to sign up with has been flagged so not sue it’s even worth trying again. F#@K Twitter! I don’t need it.

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