LIVE TONIGHT 8:30PM EST @Mr_Pinko & Mike Nordstrom – U.S. & Eh?! Show – IOTW Report

LIVE TONIGHT 8:30PM EST @Mr_Pinko & Mike Nordstrom – U.S. & Eh?! Show

Monday Nov 20th – LIVE TONIGHT 8:30PM EST @Mr_Pinko & Mike Nordstrom – U.S. & Eh?! Show

Giving you a bigger heads up to listen/call in to the show. 8:30pm EST – 2 hour show.

Topics tonight include: Charlie Rose, Al Franken Charles Manson, David Cassidy, Jeanine Pirro, Glenn Thrush, Roy Moore, Doug Jones and MUCH, MUCH MORE!



CALL IN # 323 870-3371

About Mr.Pinko 686 Articles
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29 Comments on LIVE TONIGHT 8:30PM EST @Mr_Pinko & Mike Nordstrom – U.S. & Eh?! Show

  1. Would it cause a problem if I called in to reveal I was sexually harassed by Maxine Waters? Tucker invited me on his 8pm show but want to give you guys first dibs.

  2. I’ll wind up downloading it later. I was actually game to call in, but I think you have your time zones messed up. The link states it’s supposed to start in 70 minutes according to the site right now.

  3. Had to hang up. Mom stuff. But lemme tell ya, Pinko, I once got popped on the L.I.E. when I was young and dumb doing 115 in a freaking six cylinder Chevy Celebrity! It was out by Riverhead and the road was empty. Big straightaway. The cop told me my speed & I remarked how the dashboard stopped at 80 (I buried the needle). I got a huge ticket that got my license temporarily suspended, but he let me drive home. The suspension didn’t come till it was time to meet the judge. That is how it worked at least in the 90s in NY. You don’t need a fancy car to haul ass if you have a lead foot.

  4. Mr. Pinko, Did you get the PragerU video I sent today to your email account? Send this to Mike Nordstrom (he talks a lot about the absence of morality, etc.), I think he’ll like it.

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