Liz Cheney Better Learn To Code – IOTW Report

Liz Cheney Better Learn To Code


House GOP Conference Chairwoman Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) has seen her political support completely collapse in Wyoming as solid majorities of both Republicans and all voters in the state want her out of office, a new poll shows.

What’s more, Cheney has fallen behind her primary challenger by more than double digits, a sharp turn in just weeks against the one-time rising star since she voted to impeach former President Donald Trump. More

28 Comments on Liz Cheney Better Learn To Code

  1. Her first, Romney second, and Bitch McConnel third.

    Looks like everything is falling apart without Trump at the helm.

    Same thing happened up here once Harper was replaced by Turdeau.

  2. Recall her and be done with it.
    The longer she stays – the more lies she’ll tell and the more she’ll steal.
    And Wyoming has its share of imbeciles (if like every other state) who will believe her.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Fuck learning to code…
    Learn to be loyal to other Republicans and not treasonous Democrats!
    Fuck Liz Cheney. fuck Dick and fuck the war industrial complex! We’ve had enough!

  4. “House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy, meanwhile, has said he supports her staying in the position but believes she has to answer for her actions.”

    Isn’t that what elections are for?

  5. Well, she’s just another criminal like 99% of political elites in D.C. The best thing that could ever happen to this country is if any federal government employee, elected or otherwise who has been there more than 4 years were removed tomorrow with no retirement and no government healthcare or other fringe benefits they’re used to once they leave, they’ve all stolen enough of taxpayers’ money.

  6. What is it with these f***king politicians? Are they lying, cheating psychopaths before getting in office or does it happen after? The corruption is breathtaking. Now they have become vicious jack-booted thugs, determined to make real Americans bend to their will or else. We must fight back or our country is lost.

  7. Marian – without a doubt they lying, cheating psychopaths BEFORE getting in office.

    Once in office, their lying, cheating psychopathy is rewarded with financial enrichment.

  8. Somewhere, there’s a board of directors fluffing a cushion on a vacant seat just for her. I don’t know whether to call it failing up, lateral move, revolving door or all of the above.

  9. “Are they lying, cheating psychopaths before getting in office or does it happen after? The corruption is breathtaking.”

    Probably narcissitic nihilistic sociopaths with delusions of grandeur – but once they get to DC and find the myriad LEGAL ways to steal (available only to Members of the House, Senate, and Upper level Executive) they simply cannot control themselves. They pass laws (which are available to peruse) which allow them unimpeded access to graft, corruption, tax-exemptions, kick-backs, extortion, bribery, and all manner of greed.
    The payoff it just too fantastically rewarding to ignore.
    NONE would stay for 40 or 50 years if the salary were the only compensation!
    Enter a Pauper; exit a Prince.
    And it doesn’t matter which side of the aisle you’re on – there are ample opportunities simply by selling your vote.

    Each House Member “represents” about 750,000 people. You think he gives a fuck about any one of them? Each Senate Member “represents” millions upon millions of people (supposedly a State) and has no clue what they want other than bushels of lying bullshit.
    So, even if one arrived with a modicum of prudence, he would soon put his hand into the grab-bag of swag, seeing that legalized theft is actually more prudent than honesty – they are suspicious and spiteful of Americans.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. Sadly, politics has ALWAYS been the natural home of opportunistic sociopaths.
    We keep deluding ourselves and cheer them on while they ostentatiously despise us.

    Kinda funny, if you think about it (not “ha ha” funny).

    izlamo delenda est …


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