Lofgren (D-CA) draws flack for calling witness an ‘ignorant bigot’ for transgender remarks at hearing – IOTW Report

Lofgren (D-CA) draws flack for calling witness an ‘ignorant bigot’ for transgender remarks at hearing

WT: The National Association of Scholars is hitting back against Rep. Zoe Lofgren, California Democrat, for calling a law professor a “bigot” during a Title IX congressional hearing for making an argument about what reality is.

Peter Wood, president of the National Association of Scholars, for which University of San Diego law professor Gail Heriot is a board member, said Ms. Lofgren’s “outburst” was unbecoming of “the standards of civility of the U.S. House of Representatives.”

The purpose of the U.S. House Taskforce on Executive Overreach hearing last week was to examine whether the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights overstepped its authority by requiring schools under Title IX to allow restroom and locker room access on the basis of gender identity rather than biological sex.  more

16 Comments on Lofgren (D-CA) draws flack for calling witness an ‘ignorant bigot’ for transgender remarks at hearing

  1. This is tilting against windmills.
    The uniparty says these people are not only normal, but deserving special rights. Both potential presidents are full throated in their support for this.
    By the end of 4, or 8 more years of this, it will be so entrenched into law that it will never be routed out.
    The people have spoken. The majority of both parties want this.
    We just have to learn to bend over and take it.

  2. Hey JohnS…not bending over…regardless of the sentiment of the comment, I won’t bend over for anyone.,.but feel free yourself, I won’t judge (hahaha). And note there is only one person to whom I’ll bend the knee and I’m still waiting for Him to return as they promised.

  3. Hey Brian, what are you going to do?
    Not vote? Vote for a supporter of this crap? Vote third party?
    Face it, it’s over, Democrats and Republicans both want this and have pushed its supporters to the tops of the tickets.
    Look into BOHICA, you will then understand my reference.

  4. Hey JohnS…I’m definitely not voting, and not voting for a third party or anyone else…I’m Canadian…I’m preparing (by buying more ammo) for the godless hordes of progressives who have promised to invade my country when Trump wins. Don’t want their fucked-up ideas here…we have enough crazy here already…check out our PM….he makes BO look like Reagan….but he does have great hair.

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