Lonely Gays Desperate To Get In On the “Bigoted Trump” Action – IOTW Report

Lonely Gays Desperate To Get In On the “Bigoted Trump” Action

Trump, who has never said an untoward thing about gays, is being tweaked by a line of apparel that mocks his campaign slogan.

The article says gays are “taking on” Trump.




American Apparel has taken on Donald Trump with a new clothing collection featuring an adapted version of his campaign slogan urging the nation to ‘Make America Gay Again’.

The collaboration between the clothing brand and organizations Human Rights Campaign and The Ally Coalition, co-founded by musician Jack Antonoff, includes limited edition T-shirts, tank tops, a red hat and a tote bag.

The collection aims to raise awareness of LGBTQ rights and 30 per cent of American Apparel’s sales will be donated to the Equality Act, a federal non-discrimination bill, and the fight to end discrimination.

Read more:

Will Trump be getting some of this federal non-discrimination money, because I do believe he’s being discriminated against by gays.

19 Comments on Lonely Gays Desperate To Get In On the “Bigoted Trump” Action

  1. Q: What do you call a homosexual in a wheelchair? A: Rolaids.

    Q: What’s the best part of sex with a transvestite?
    A: Reaching around and pretending it went all the way through.

    Try the veal.
    I’m here all week.
    Don’t forget to tip your waitress.

  2. @Peter Burns – Calling their goal the Equal Rights Amendment, and using the equal sign as their emblem always has pissed me off. They do NOT want equal rights, obviously. They want unequal rights with special treatment for themselves.

  3. I should get one of those hats! @LocoBlamcoSaltine. Partly blowing my anonymity on this site, my mother named me Gay back when it did mean happy, joyous and free. I have often fantasized about suing the lgbtq etc movement about making my life complicated. I truly believe you love wo you love but within the bounds of the law. I have been subjected to decades of bad jokes and wariness from the truly homophobic because of the “gay” movement

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