Louisiana Residents Win Right to Form Their Own City – They’re Promptly Called Racists – IOTW Report

Louisiana Residents Win Right to Form Their Own City – They’re Promptly Called Racists


Wealthy white Baton Rouge residents have won a decade-long court battle to split from poorer neighborhoods and form their own city with plans for better schools and less crime. 

The Louisiana Supreme Court ruled on Friday that the new City of St George could move forward with incorporation, splitting off from the rest of Baton Rouge. 

St George will have 86,000 residents across a 60-square-mile area in the southeast of East Baton Rouge Parish and will have its own Mayor and city council.

Supporters of the new city say that the existing city-parish government is poorly run, with high crime rates and bad schools. 

Opponents say the movement is ‘racist’ and will create a ‘white enclave’ as it separates a wealthy area of the city from the majority Black city and school district.

Plans for St George started nearly 15 years ago when residents decided they would like to start their own school district.

Their plans then grew more ambitious and in 2015 they drew up a proposal to create their own city. 

The proposal didn’t get enough votes and the movement ground to a halt until 2019, when a second ballot to incorporate St George passed, with 54 percent of residents voting in favor of separation. 

A lengthy court battle followed, with Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome and Mayor Pro Tem Lamont Cole suing St. George organizers soon after the election.

They argued that St George would siphon over $48 million in annual tax revenue from the city-parish government with serious knock-on effects for local services and staff. 

They claimed that the loss in revenue would mean services would have to be cut and employees laid off and that St George’s proposed internal budget was inaccurate and that they would not be able to be self-sufficient. 

Lower courts in Louisiana supported Baton Rouge’s arguments, and shot down the proposed new city. 

But now the state’s Supreme Court has overruled their decisions, saying that the internal budget is balanced and will be able to provide public services, meaning St George can incorporate. 


All I see on social media is that blacks built this country. If that is true, building a city must be cake, especially without the white devil.

For the record, when I build my city, conservatives of any color will be welcome.

Liberals need not apply.

21 Comments on Louisiana Residents Win Right to Form Their Own City – They’re Promptly Called Racists

  1. We got called that here in Fulton County when Sandy Springs, John’s Creek and Milton wanted to break out of the FulCo parasite government. We won anyway.

    Best of luck, City of St George. It will be worth it. Just don’t let the socialists creep into your city council.

  2. Clearly the coloreds will be better off, by far, with the white devil out of their precious Wakanda west, the creation of only and alone the enormously superior colored vi-brain-ium.

    Those poor dumb white folks probably won’t even have running water and electricity! Not to mention indoor plumbing and refrigeration! They all just sooo racist they can’t stand being around their betters.

    Think how fat, lazy and slow they’ll get with almost no assaults to run from, burglars and car thieves to dodge, pimps and whores to avoid, drug vagrants to step over. It’ll be pure heck and those wypepo going to miss the cultural enrichment when they’re gone from old Red Stick.

  3. Gee Wally, I thot Baton Rouge wuz red…

    They are Beave… politically.

    Black ghettos: OK
    White ghettos: No, No, No! (and they don’t even get any government programs)

  4. Wyatt’s rules for running a city.
    1. Put the interests of your citizens first.
    2. Treat all tax dollars as if they were your own dollars.
    3. Enforce all municipal ordinances even-handedly.
    4. When in doubt, consult Rule No. 1 above.

  5. @RadioMattM:

    Wyatt, Brad: the problem is that they all already think it is their own money.
    …and the rest of your money, too.Excellent point! If I were a dem pol and had access to tax money, I’d think of it as my own and spend it on liquor and USDA Prime beef.

    Oh, yeah, and also a full service lease on a G400, with crew. I’ve always wanted my own jet.

  6. Oops. This’ll look better. I hope.


    Wyatt, Brad: the problem is that they all already think it is their own money.
    …and the rest of your money, too.

    Excellent point! If I were a dem pol and had access to tax money, I’d think of it as my own and spend it on liquor and USDA Prime beef.

    Oh, yeah, and also a full service lease on a G400, with crew. I’ve always wanted my own jet.

  7. Clarification: when I said “your own money,” I meant money out of your own pocket. I live in Illinois, but not in Dolton, Illinois.

  8. This is literally the only way to ensure that the property taxes of affluent whites isn’t wasted on shitty school systems run by shitty, corrupt black administrators. It comes with the bonus of setting up a new set of public schools where white kids can go and not be terrorized by the worthless N scumbags who literally go to school to prey on whites and ensure no one else can get an education there.


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