Maine: Gang of Somali Kids Attack Park Goers – IOTW Report

Maine: Gang of Somali Kids Attack Park Goers

Creeping Sharia; It was an otherwise pleasant evening in Maine when two dozen Somali youth swarmed and attacked two local residents in Kennedy Park last Thursday evening.

The Somali mob attacked around 7:45 pm, just as the sun was setting on this historic city park in the heart of Maine’s second largest city.

A local mother recorded as a mob of teens and children, boys and girls as young as nine years old, brandishing wooden bats and other objects, along with fists, feet and sheer numbers to attack the two non-Somali defenders. At one point you can even here one of the hoodlums repeatedly daring the woman to, “stop me, b**ch.”

Lewiston Police tell Maine First Media one of the victims was taken to the hospital with minor injuries. However, no charges were filed.

Lewiston Mayor, Shane Bouchard says these types of incidents are common at Kennedy Park, but points to Lewiston’s low crime rate.  more here

SNIP: I don’t know how uptight Maine is about concealed carry, but the residents should carry bear mace, at least.

40 Comments on Maine: Gang of Somali Kids Attack Park Goers

  1. Let’s ship in the third world shit people,” said the piece of shit democrat and republican swamp creatures. “It’ll drive wages down and terrorize the locals into doing what are growing police state tells them to do.”

    Never give up your guns, and be prepared to go to war with this sub-human two legged cockroaches.

  2. The left wonders how Trump won – take a good look. These animals get imported into working class poor neighborhoods and American citizens that struggled to be employed under Obama now have to deal with being unable to be in a damn public park (and probably other public places) without being bothered or attacked by immigrants that are likely being 100% supported by taxpayers.

  3. No charges filed? That’s why they’ll keep doing it you morons. They should have all been deported instantly back to Somalia without telling their families.

  4. Perhaps Susan Collins can opine on this family’s cultural enrichment.

    Oh wait. She already did:

    “Mr. Trump’s statements disparaging immigrants who have come to this country legally are particularly unhelpful,” Collins said in yet another rebuke from a prominent Republican of the party’s presidential nominee. “Maine has benefited from people from Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and, increasingly, Africa — including our friends from Somalia.”

  5. “”Lewiston Mayor, Shane Bouchard says these types of incidents are common at Kennedy Park, but points to Lewiston’s low crime rate.”””

    What did we just read?

  6. A house divided, can not stand. I suspect that a country divided, can not stand. Along these same lines, I suspect a world divided, can not stand. Seems like trouble ahead for us all. The divisions run deep.

  7. Hey, the largest terrorist attack in US history caused 9,000 casualties with almost 3,000 KIA. It was perpetrated by Muslims in the name of Islam. So logically, the Left flooded the West with Muslims.

  8. Maine, where the native hardy conservative folk have been overwhelmed by swarms of expat Leftist Manhattanites looking for someplace “unspoiled”.

    What’s happened to Maine is a smaller scale replay of what happened to my native Florida after 15 million Northeastern urban types decided to transplant themselves.
    Seeking the “unspoiled” and relentlessly remaking it into… the very same New Jersey they moved to get away from.

    My friends in Maine were all sheltered, well intentioned, kumbiyah one-world types, yoga instructors and sculptors who loved forests and sailing and wood stoves.

    When your neighborhood park is taken over by imported violent gangs, it’s time to consider voting Trump.

  9. The video should start with “No Somali was hurt in the filming of this video but with a little practice who knows”

    The world of Blackhawk Down coming to a town near you. Just another Obama gift that will give for generations to come.

  10. The DA and the Chief need to be fired. Imagine the Chief saying those types of crime are common in the park but pointing the towns low crime rate, in effect justifying the lack of credible response by the authorities. We’ve had a lot of Somali problems up here as well. We accepted a pile of Somali refugees and a lot of them promptly formed gangs and got stuck into crime.

  11. 1. To further divide and weaken the U.S. by any means necessary.

    2. Excuse for continued “Great Society” programs and further taxpayer rape.

    3. An alternative voting block for the Left when previously reliable blocks become less reliable.

    4. Ultimately, to demoralize the law-abiding citizenry and inculcate despair and lawlessness in everyone. This will inevitably result in violence, which in turn will necessitate a totalitarian crackdown and cement power for the Left, who will appear to be the righteous saviors of the nation.

    And the root reason:

    5. Satan is the god of this world and they work for him.

  12. All US naturalized citizenships can be revoked, and citizenship reverts automatically to the previous birth nationality.

    So no. We are not stuck with Obama’s Sabotage Seedlings.

    They can be revoked and deported. By the millions, if necessary.
    Which seems to be the real “ Obama Legacy”.

    But no, no, no. America is not “stuck” with Obama’s people.

  13. I worked at LL Bean warehouse from 2003 – 2009. They shuttled busloads of Somalis every day from Lewiston to Freeport to “work.”

    At day’s end security would check all employee’s belongings, EXCEPT the Somalis. Those women could hide a kayak under their full length tablecloths.

  14. @Anonymous May 29, 2018 at 2:26 pm

    > Never give up your guns, and be prepared to go to war with this sub-human two legged cockroaches.

    Remember men: Always wait for the enemy to open fire. And when they do, be prepared to shoot every bullet out of the sky.

    General E. Frilliant

  15. We just witnessed “The Lord of the Flies” and more is to come…

    There will be a neo’Piggy’ that will die by the hand of
    a neo ‘Roger and leader Ralph’.

  16. Gee Wally, can someone tell me why these crazy-ass bastards from Somalia, where the average temperature is like 110 degrees and the only entertainment is a Carcinoma festival, like to come over here to haunt places like Maine, Minnesota and Wisconsin?

    Ahhh Beave…. I think you just answered yer own question with the term “crazy-ass bastards”!

  17. The Left thinks they can use Islam the way they have used the blacks for the last 100 years. They think they can use them and them get rid of them or subjugate them when they have achieved their goals. They have never been more stupid or more wrong, and we will all have to fight for our lives because of it.

  18. @grayjohn May 29, 2018 at 7:56 pm

    > The Left thinks they can use Islam the way they have used the blacks for the last 100 years.

    > They have never been more stupid or more wrong, and we will all have to fight for our lives because of it.

    A hundred years, and still undecided? Good luck with that.

  19. I sent this in to a bunch of sites last week.

    Catholic Charities of Maine has brought thousands of these Somalis into the state. Mostly Lewiston, Portland and Biddeford. They bring them in and dump them in the welfare system. They are costing us millions for welfare, housing, food and ESL classes in schools.
    A few years ago the then Mayor of Lewiston asked them to stop sending them there because the city was headed for financial disaster because of the huge cost. He was, of course, called racist by all the leftists. He looks brilliant now.
    There are apartment building fires in Lewiston all the time. They get mad at each other and try to burn down each other’s homes.
    In Portland a few years ago the then head nurse of the schools, Mills, proposed giving birth control pills to girls as young as 10 without parental notification or permission. A friend of mine worked in that school system for over 30 yrs. He said it was really aimed at the Somali girls. They get pregnant as early as possible over in Africa and when they come here, they do not change their lifestyles. The school didn’t want to admit that because they didn’t want to be called racist.
    The cops are pretty much hands off. They think the “elders” should handle things.
    Now the city of Portland is recruiting Somalis even if they aren’t citizens.

    It’s a frigging mess. But we do carry up here and this kind of thing will not be allowed to spread. Maine is a concealed carry without permit state and an open carry state.

    There was also a Somali gang attack in NH last week.

  20. If what they are doing is illegal (as it apparently seems so), then arrest them, and try them for these crimes. What’s the issue here? Oh, and shut up with the racists rhetoric. It’s not helpful. What the hell is the matter with you people? Has anyone tried to educate and socialize the Somali immigrants, or were they just dumped on Maine?

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