Mark Levin: We are going to miss Trump after his second term – IOTW Report

Mark Levin: We are going to miss Trump after his second term

17 Comments on Mark Levin: We are going to miss Trump after his second term

  1. Okay, this sounds eccentric (I am to a mild degree) but have actually thought, what are we going to do without him? How will this country survive and thrive after 2024? Where are we going to find another Tyrannosaurus?

  2. I’ve got to hand it to Levin, it takes some humility to crack free from (his) oversized ego and terrible arrogance to admit that POTUS Trump is right “a vast majority of the time.”

    I try to enjoy each day and not think of who will succeed Trump. He is lightening in a bottle, a 100 year comet in the constellation of American politics. It will be an enormously tough act to follow. But if we stay faithful and look to God, we’re in the best hands possible and He will continue to bless this nation through Donald J. Trump and beyond.

    For all the tee vee shtick perpetuated by that whiny woman and that puppet guy who preceded Trump about “reset buttons”, POTUS Trump has truly reset our expectations in governance and leadership. In 2018 there will be no dearth of pols who will make fools of themselves trying to outTrump Trump. Accept no substitutes.

  3. Get over it. I endured worse, I had to put up with that stuttering clusterfuck of a miserable jug-eared pathetic failure and his race baiting and of arming terrorists for eight years.

  4. @Anonymous,

    I have posted many times that I listen to him almost daily, but consider that he has the potential to be an insufferable dinner guest. When he goes all Johnny One Note for weeks at a time I have to turn him off by not downloading his show for a couple weeks.

    God Almighty he can be worse than a Goddamned spoilt-rotten five year old when he doesn’t get his own way.

  5. Anonymous suggested repealing the 22nd Amendment so Trump can run again Not a good idea because what if it was an Obama who could have unlimited terms? That thought gives me chills down my spine.

  6. Trump broke the mold of the people that choose for us who can be elected. In a way we have Barry and Hill to thank, people so horrible that they couldn’t pull it off no matter what they did.
    They control 96 percent of the news , a minimum of 14% advantage from what I’ve read. But they don’t have all the Net, yet?
    They pick all questions in debates, give the questions to their team and so it goes. Not forgetting the last minute “he didn’t pay his taxes and the abuse or fake rape somewhere in the last 30+ years ago?”

  7. DAN

    I hope you are right. But the Rove/bush UNIPARTY folk are today attacking Rand as they have for years. The NWO folk may not have control of the GOP , as they did from ’89 to ’15 , but they are still powerful!

  8. President Trump ia a miraculous phenomenon we will have only 6 more years. After that, all Hell may break lose and our wonderful time of feast will turn into famine. The left is just waiting for their time to regain power. Without God’s intervention again, we’re in for a bumpy ride after 2024.


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