Mary Bell, The Tyneside Strangler – IOTW Report

Mary Bell, The Tyneside Strangler

The 11-year old serial killer.

13 Comments on Mary Bell, The Tyneside Strangler

  1. Parenting is a serious gig. This child didn’t stand a chance. More children tomorrow are going to be really messed up with all this transgender LBGQX crap, not to mention all the sick twisted ways my countrymen steer the ship of state.

  2. “Nature or nurture?”

    Nature outweighs nurture, some people are actually born mean and outside of normal behavior and no amount of nurture will change it.

    Nurture can also play a roll, as should be obvious in the behavior of those from and in Islamic countries.

  3. I believe my daughter is a great example of nature over nurture. She had no contact with her mother after the age of 3, and her mother wasn’t a huge part of her life even before that. Yet in her teens and young adulthood I started seeing and hearing mannerisms and expressions her mother often had. I think there is a lot more programming in our DNA than most people realize.

  4. I note Mary Jane Anklestraps has pulled out her magic eraser once more. ……

    MJA: The truth will set you free: some women are *not* ever meant to be mothers and some children should never ever be born.

    (And, God is on my side, not yours.) ….Lady in Red

  5. @….Knowing God….

    You realize, of course, that you sound like a Muslim jihadist, with an exclusive, insider track to truth and God? …

    Unattractive, close-minded, hate-filled. Overall, generally, not pleasant.

    …..Lady in Red

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