Maryland Trying to Destroy Its Own Medical Examiner – IOTW Report

Maryland Trying to Destroy Its Own Medical Examiner

Behind the Black

The persecution of [David] Fowler was instigated by Dr. Roger Mitchell, former Chief Medical Examiner of the District of Columbia, Deputy Mayor of DC, and now Chief of the Department of Pathology at Howard University.

Mitchell was outraged that Fowler had dared express an opinion challenging the political narrative that insisted Chauvin killed Floyd for racial reasons, refusing to get off his neck even as the man was dying of suffocation.

Mitchell wrote a open letter, signed by 400 others, calling for a full review of all of Fowler’s past cases in Maryland, with the clear intent of punishing Fowler by having his medical license revoked. Continues

5 Comments on Maryland Trying to Destroy Its Own Medical Examiner

  1. I guess that some people only see the narrative. To me, it looked like the Officer was holding Floyd, a much larger man, on his side so any vomit from an over-dose trickled on to the street rather than being aspirated into Floyg’s lungs. Aspiration pneumonia is usually fatal. If you did’t like the Floyd video, stay out of the ER. They aren’t polite and ask “please” when they are trying to keep you alive.


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