Masked anti-Trump goons face felony charges – IOTW Report

Masked anti-Trump goons face felony charges


Justice for President Donald Trump‘s supporters was swift this time out.

The sight of anti-Trump goons, often in masks, breaking up rallies supporting the president are becoming all too commonplace.

But despite their cowardly disguise, six were caught following the melee at a Huntington Beach, California rally, and authorities aren’t making it easy for them.

Four of them, possibly more, are looking at felony charges.

“At least four were arrested and facing felony charges after several beach brawls break out in Huntington Beach … [after] a Make America Great Again rally turned violent” Fox 11 Los Angeles reported.

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19 Comments on Masked anti-Trump goons face felony charges

  1. The DA should be sure to get warrants to search their computers and phones, and have a seriously competent person(s) analyze them.

    Might want to specifically look at their bitcoin wallets, too. Follow the bitcoins.

    Because organized criminal conspiracy and cheese pizza.

  2. To give some of y’all some background that doesn’t seem to make the regular media-Antifa, or “blac block,” members are not just typicaal socialist lefties. They are HARDCORE Communists, are made up of teachers, professors, paid activists, and the bottom tier is the under 25, a substantial # of which do not attend college, but get paid thru various Soros’ Open Society groups. They are NOT there to protest, they are there to break shit, especially people, if possible. Those of us who help “unmask” them online, have learned about their deplorable & sick sex fetishes, heavy drug use, (meth is a favorite), and the gangs of them who reside in large packs of flop houses, specifically so they are ready to be bussed city to city to reek havoc. Just read that 100 of the inauguration day bunch arrested had their computer & other devices mined deeply by Jeff Sessions’ Fed. This caused some uproar in the moribund, dying Libertarian crowd, but my reply is, “More please, & with no lube.”
    Antifa is an old org in European countries, much, much larger, and much, much more deadly. If you don’t believe me or think I’m overreacting, just Google up on ’em, watch some YT footage of them tracking down dissenters at their homes. The noodle arm scum patrol we have now are just the baby steps to our future, LARP’ing as badasses, but we are thisclose to getting full on Commie Mobster Death Squaders.

  3. And…the media & the rest of the “Professional Left,” will lie & lie & lie to deny association with them, or admit what they are, further gaslighting the public. DO NOT ever be fooled, if your kid goes to a midsized Uni or above, they are being taught to be activists by members/supporters of Antifa. Hell, Yvette Ferlaca, (see: T Carlson appearance), a major organizer & member of BB, was a CA middle school teacher, suspended after huge pushback by online ppl after the famous Battle of Sacramento, (watch online, knife attacks), but she did go back to indoctrinating 13 yr olds, shortly afterward.

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