Massachusetts ‘Judges Gone Wild’ – IOTW Report

Massachusetts ‘Judges Gone Wild’

Howie Carr: Before today’s parental-discretion-advised episode of “Judges Gone Wild,” we begin with the usual disclaimer: Not all Massachusetts judges are corrupt and/or sleazy, it’s just that 98% of them who give such a bad rap to the 2% who are on the level.

C’mon down, extinguished jurist Paul M. Sushchyk, the reprobate probate court judge from (where else?) Worcester County.

The state’s top court ruled this week that the $184,694-a-year judge grabbed the rear end of a $128,043-a-year court “field coordinator” at a bar on Cape Cod.

This occurred in April 2019. The judge was shortly thereafter relieved of duties, but until last week was still collecting his full pay — an almost three-year-long paid vacation, in other words.

Of course, since the Panic began two years ago, most of the judiciary has likewise been on a more-or-less permanent sabbatical from … work. It’s a public health issue, you know.
Follow the science.

5 Comments on Massachusetts ‘Judges Gone Wild’

  1. There sure are a lot of sexual deviants in govt, media and what passes for entertainment.
    Definitely spiritual and mental weakness.
    A symptom of our country’s deeper problems of lives without God and a thirst for intoxicating power.

  2. It’s not just Masshole “judges.”

    “Judges” consider themselves above the law – because of their exalted position and the deference everyone pays them regardless of their suitability for office.
    That maggot being nominated to the Supremes is a prime example – a lying, conniving, obfuscating, confused piece of shit Affirmative Action hire pretending to be worthy of a seat on the despicable, traitorous Supremes.

    Some years ago “judges” were made legally irresponsible. They cannot be held liable for their treasons, mistakes, faulty judgements, and the same kinds of things that would get a common field laborer fired – absolute proof, if it were needed, that they are, for the most part, incompetent and/or criminal.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. @Beachmom March 29, 2022 at 5:42 am

    > A symptom of our country’s deeper problems of lives without God and a thirst for intoxicating power.

    The problem is wider. I’m not ruling out “deeper”, as well. When the one of the pustules pops, you always see more rot, further down. But our problem is one of numbers. Many, many, numbers.

    When a pædo shows up at the door, insisting it has Paperss! Paperss to harm your child. Many, many, people insist the pædo MUST NOT be disappeared. Many, many, more insist that those who offer aid and comfort to the pædo’s allies, in attacking any and all that defy the pædo, must ALSO NOT be disappeared.

    Pick your “favorite” abomination. Infanticide? Cannibalism? Theft? (Different priorities, for different folks.) They all reign over us, because too, too, many we allow to self-identify as “we”, attack us for defending ourselves from “they”. But, we SHALL NOT know them by their works. That wouldn’t be proper.


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