Maxine Waters tries to pin student debt crisis on banks, gets reminded student loans were NATIONALIZED 10 YEARS AGO – IOTW Report

Maxine Waters tries to pin student debt crisis on banks, gets reminded student loans were NATIONALIZED 10 YEARS AGO


Democratic California Rep. Maxine Waters challenged bank executives during a Wednesday morning hearing, appearing to blame them for the student debt crisis.

What she appeared to leave out was the fact that student loans were nationalized nearly a decade ago under former President Barack Obama to cut banks’ ability to offer government-backed loans.

“By cutting out the middleman, we’ll save the American taxpayers $68 billion in the coming years,” Obama said when he signed the legislation in 2010. “That’s real money.”

Waters now chairs the committee that oversees those student loans.

Waters began by explaining the student debt crisis, saying, “Today, there are more than 44 million Americans that owe … $1.56 trillion in student loan debt.”

She added, “Last year, 1 million student loan borrowers defaulted which is on top of the 1 million borrowers who defaulted the year before.”

Then, Waters turned the questions on the bank executives, asking what they intended to do about the student debt crisis: “What are you guys doing to help us with the student loan debt? Who would like to answer first? Mr. Monihan? Big bank?

“We stopped making student loans in 2007 or so,” he responded.

“So you don’t do it anymore? Mr. Corbyn?” she pressed the next banker.

“We exited student lending in 2009,” he replied.

“Mr. Dimon?” Waters tried again.

“When the government took over student lending in 2010, we stopped doing all student lending,” he said.  more here

30 Comments on Maxine Waters tries to pin student debt crisis on banks, gets reminded student loans were NATIONALIZED 10 YEARS AGO

  1. A closed mouth gathers no cloven hoof, ya dumb bitch.

    Considering she’s the Chair of this Finance Committee, on a scale of caught fucking your sister to misspelling “covfefe” in a tweet, I score this as Alabama 100.

  2. Watched a bit of this hrg today just for giggles. Can’t decide who’s more despicable, the Reparations for Slaves Rep Al Green, climate chaos Rep Tlaib, or the bankers themselves.

    Frickin’ BoA Monihan virtuously ceased doing biz with gun manufacturers ala Hogg, Jamie Dimon urged Congress to pass a carbon tax to fight global warming, and the entire panel of fat cats all raised their hands and agreed to hire Diversity Officers at the same pay as CEO’s and have them report directly to Congresswoman Beatty (the Committees self appointed Diversity and Equality chairwoman). She actually demanded this and the p*ssies agreed!

    We’re in deep trouble.

  3. If she had an intelligent staffer on her payroll, she might have avoided stepping on that rake. But she’s got a bunch of cronies and nepot hangers-on who are even more ignorant and lazy than her. I hope one of them gets fired for letting her look like more of a jackass than usual.

  4. Firmament Ackshun and Repperayshuns. Why do i go after the banks? Dats where da moneys be.
    Yo contribyoushun be mandatory.

    (It’s good to disable da spellscheck and autocorrect sometimes)

  5. Over the past 10 years, has the government even once entered a market, positively assisted that market as a whole, then finally left that market without involving crisis? I can’t think of one, which leads me to believe the government thrives on crisis and creates crisis where one doesn’t yet exist. Which means the country as a whole would logically be better off with a smaller government creating smaller and less frequent crisis. NO scream the socialists, pounding the table, “What do we want? CRISIS! NOW!”

  6. her and aoc are competing for the dumbest fook award in congress.

    the big question is , how will msnbc and cnn spin this to make it look like the band execs are racists for showing the public what a dumbass she is.

  7. @Anonymous April 10, 2019 at 2:16 pm

    > How do we end up with people like this becoming our leaders and running our lives with the rules they make?

    @A.Moose April 10, 2019 at 2:27 pm

    > By back room dealing, redistricting, illegals voting, voter fraud, vote buying, vote harvesting and just dumb voters.

    How dare you!? Blasphemer! How DARE you!?

    We are gathered in the trinity’s embrace of The Constitution, The Rule of Law, and The Republic! Now, on your knees, peasant! And worship them! Worship!


    It really is all working according to plan. The plan even says “Subject to change without notice.” So, any changes you might have noticed are just to keep things according to plan. I believe the keepers of oaths, and patriots, have a saying “Suck it, or leave.”

  8. cheyenne bodie APRIL 10, 2019 AT 3:01 PM
    her and aoc are competing for the dumbest fook award in congress.

    Who believes AOC understands a word of her scripted finger-wagging?

    Just once I’d like to see the staffers leave the chamber and let the members alone to fend for themselves. Talk about deer in headlights

  9. @grayjohn April 10, 2019 at 2:18 pm

    “How can anyone that STUPID live so long?”

    I think I can answer your question. This country rewards stupidity. Spill hot coffee in your lap and get a million from McDonalds. Be stupid enough and you too can be elected to Congress. Have an oyster level IQ and you may even be appointed chairman of the Finance Committee.

  10. I laughed when I heard Maxine’s question because I knew banks were no allowed to make student loans thanks to Obummer. Th scary part is that Mad Max is in charge of anything that affects the rest of us.

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