McCarthy pledges to remove Ukraine funding from Pentagon spending package – IOTW Report

McCarthy pledges to remove Ukraine funding from Pentagon spending package

JTN: House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Friday vowed to remove funding for Ukraine from a Pentagon spending package amid a conservative rebellion.

The package, which has twice failed to clear a procedural vote due to internal Republican opposition, includes $300 million in funds for Kyiv to continue its fight against the Russian military.

McCarthy, in the face of that opposition, told reporters Friday that “[i]t would be out and voted on by itself.”

Conservatives, on both Tuesday and Tuesday, tanked procedural votes to allow debate on the measure, with the second vote derailing the chamber’s legislative agenda and prompting House Republicans to send lawmakers home for weekend. more here

13 Comments on McCarthy pledges to remove Ukraine funding from Pentagon spending package

  1. I don’t imagine what I’m about to type will be popular. But I’ve long viewed the Freedom Caucus as obstructionists. Mike Lee, a total moron exempt from any decision making. Same with big mouth Matt Gaetz. Until now. I’m reading multiple places the House is following Gaetz. McCarthy is being shuffled aside.
    OK Matt, Mr Hardliner. The Ukrainian Military is getting paid during the shut down. By us. The American Military, not so much. You’ve got about two weeks before Gov personnel in charge of supplying the American War fighter with parts can’t feed there families. You have four week before they miss house payments or rent. The cheap seats take charge. This should be painful and fun all at the same time.

  2. Not only will the Ukrainian Military get paid, but every no good deadbeat government employee will get paid. Except of course our Military. Those poor bastards are going to be used as political pawns!

  3. ^Brad, not the way it works on .gov personnel.

    Based on personal experience, the paychecks do not effectively “stop”, rather financial institutions give them their regular pay on an “IOU” based on Uncle Sugar’s say so.

  4. Sippin’ Coffee

    Can you pass the names of those financial institutions to me so I can pass them onto my local DCMA. Because they’re sweating bullets. And they’ve been through this before.

  5. I guess I should add, none of these people are stupid. They watch the news, they investigate on their own. Happily over the years I’ve witnessed them shift hard right. But they are cognizant of the fact they are in the middle of a huge pissing match. And unfortunately the Coup holds all the cards. It would be much more productive for the Freedom Caucus to hold conversations with McCarthy that don’t involve the best sound bites for them to get re elected.

  6. Smoke and Mirrors.
    Matt Gaetz is just the pony for now. I’ve lost faith in all but one.
    After listening Bobby Powell, had given copies of his J6 video to Josh Hawley, Kevin McCarthy, Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert, Paul Gosar, Pete Sessions, Jim Jordan, Thomas Massie, Vern Buchanan, Greg Steube, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Billy Long ,Dan Bongino, Sebastian Gorka, Sean Hannity. and none of them have come forward.
    They are all actors.
    If they were actual Americans and not part of the game:
    wouldn’t they want the J6 tapes released?
    the pedophiles of Epstein island arrested?
    the truth about Covid?
    Feel free to add to the list.

  7. Cmn¢¢guy

    You failed to mention the one. Don’t say Cow Chip Roy. He was just identified as behind the push to ouster Ken Paxton. That deep state POS. Trump was right. Again. Is he a member of the freedom Cockous?

  8. Sippin’ Coffee

    Still waiting on those names pal. Just sayen. If it was bull shit why would you post it?
    Just so you understand, I’m gunning for the most hated muth fxcker here. So far I think I’m doing well. The few guys here that will tell you the truth. That you don’t want to hear. LOL. Peeps here are why we lose. YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH. Good night weak sisters.

  9. The one is Trump.
    My cynicism has gotten worse.
    None of them have stood up for Trump, when he endorsed them.
    None of them have have have called BS on the indictments.
    It’s all misdirection.


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