McCarthy Taunts the Freedom Caucus to Remove Him – IOTW Report

McCarthy Taunts the Freedom Caucus to Remove Him

PJ Media

The House Freedom Caucus has warned Speaker Kevin McCarthy that unless their demands are met in a Continuing Resolution (CR) that McCarthy is preparing in order to keep the government running after September 30, they will introduce a “motion to vacate” the speaker’s chair, forcing a vote on whether McCarthy can remain as speaker.

“File the f— motion,” McCarthy said during a meeting of the GOP caucus. More

17 Comments on McCarthy Taunts the Freedom Caucus to Remove Him

  1. File it Matt. McCarthy is a stone cold liar. Shut this fucking government down. Time for the “opposition” party to grow a set.

    $32T in debt, 9 million illegals, true inflation God only knows, looming new covid bullshit, banana republic level DOJ and another endless war only this time with a serious opponent.

  2. this reminds me of a child begging for consequences. shut it down and leave it shutdown. look for the high population areas to fail first. the lawless cities will self destruct. the foreign invaders will fit right into the void with the gang/cartel/mafia bosses running the show with force. our diverse military will continue to delay action while the opposition power grab grows. meh, not so bad, we are nearly living those conditions now. im counting on jesus to do the sorting.

  3. From Just the News: In May, the GOP House voted 121-23 to impeach him on 20 articles that include bribery and abuse of public trust.

    I wonder whether or not one of the four articles which the Tejas Senate chose to ignore was for winning an election against Bush family member, George Pee Bush.

  4. I’m going to take the opposite side here. I’ve had it with the Freedom Caucus. Especially that asshole Mike Lee. But even more than Lee, freaken Matt Gaetz. They’re the ultimate critics. They never do shit but point fingers. I hope to God that McCarthy just steps down and lets Gaetz manage the impending shut down. Lets see how that big mouthed weak sister handles that. And for the morons that say, just shut the Federal Gov down, no big deal. You’re shutting down the military and at least 50% of the economy. It won’t be long before that effects you. Then what?


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