Meanwhile, in Colorado: ‘Gun-toting hippies’ greet Boulder ‘assault weapons’ ban with mass noncompliance – IOTW Report

Meanwhile, in Colorado: ‘Gun-toting hippies’ greet Boulder ‘assault weapons’ ban with mass noncompliance


BOULDER, Colorado — Boulder’s newly enacted “assault weapons” ban is meeting with stiff resistance from its “gun-toting hippies,” staunch liberals who also happen to be devoted firearms owners.

Only 342 “assault weapons,” or semiautomatic rifles, were certified by Boulder police before the Dec. 31 deadline, meaning there could be thousands of residents in the scenic university town of 107,000 in violation of the sweeping gun-control ordinance.

“I would say the majority of people I’ve talked to just aren’t complying because most people see this as a registry,” said Lesley Hollywood, executive director of the Colorado Second Amendment group Rally for Our Rights. “Boulder actually has a very strong firearms community.”

The ordinance, approved by the city council unanimously, banned the possession and sale of “assault weapons,” defined as semiautomatic rifles with a pistol grip, folding stock, or ability to accept a detachable magazine. Semiautomatic pistols and shotguns are also included.

Current owners were given until the end of the year to choose one of two options: Get rid of their semiautomatics by moving them out of town, disabling them, or turning them over to police — or apply for a certificate with the Boulder Police Department, a process that includes a firearm inspection, background check and $20 fee.

Judging by the numbers, however, most Boulder firearms owners have chosen to do none of the above, albeit quietly.

“The firearms community in Boulder — they may be Democrats but they love their firearms,” said Ms. Hollywood, herself a former Boulder resident.

One longtime Boulderite who has openly refused to comply is Jon Caldara, president of the free-market Independence Institute, who writes a column for the Denver Post and hosts the public-affairs show “Devil’s Advocate” on Colorado Public Television.   MORE HERE


h/t Snowball The Sourpuss.

23 Comments on Meanwhile, in Colorado: ‘Gun-toting hippies’ greet Boulder ‘assault weapons’ ban with mass noncompliance

  1. “Gonna be a bunch of “cold dead hands”

    If we were organized there doesn’t need to be. LEO are the most head on straight forward Org I’ve ever seen. Hint Hint.

  2. I think if you are a liberal gun owner, you support coming up with a law that allows you to have a gun, but no one else. And you don’t want anyone else to have protective walls around their property either, except you. Not impressed with liberal gun owners.

  3. Gird your loins Colorado….you got a new Faggot billionaire Governor that is just tickled pink with having the ‘First Man” in the governors house to satiate his rectum….He has a whole different understanding about bump stock….

  4. why is it that this site STILL links articles to PAY-PER-VIEW “news” sites?

    You know that people who come here cannot stand liberal rags like the Washington times so why link to a progressive website that nobody can read?

    The same hold true with the daily caller who does cut-n-paste reporting worse than Yahoo news, yet this site STILL links to that POS site!

    How about BFH trying to get some stories from sites that do not charge to read other peoples work while pretending it is their own?

  5. Meanwhile they can only cite a conservative as putting up any open resistance and same population is completely fine banning plastic bags (or taxing them) and straws, making sure ice cream isn’t sold at pools to kids in the summer and voting in soda taxes etc. Screw them, they voted in the lunatics, what did they expect.

  6. Cslamer,

    The Washington Times is by far not a liberal rag. You may be a tad confused and are thinking of WaPost or the NYTimes.

    I don’t know what links you click, but I never get a pay-to-view story from BFH, without notice.

    If you don’t think he has more integrity than what you’re spouting…then you’re either ignorant or an ass or both.

  7. It was an ‘ordnance’ enacted by the city council, not a law voted on by the public.

    However, the Boulderites did vote for their council who probably weren’t very open about their views, knowing it would cost them votes.

  8. Boulder City council candidates are totally open with their views. 60+% agree with them and vote for the most progressive raving leftist running. When you are a conservative in Boulder you know what you are going to live with and you have no prayer of changing it. Don’t expect them to start electing sane moderate people over a gun law, they’ll just ignore it like they are doing.

  9. Just curious, but if semiautomatic rifles are deemed to be illegal by calling them “assault rifles”, when will semiautomatic pistols be referred to as “assault pistols”?

  10. Can a city rescind a “right?”
    Say, declare the 1st Amendment a nullity and force everyone to join (or at least pay taxes to) the Anglican Church?
    Could they dictate that all 5th Amendment protections are henceforth void and that indictment and conviction no longer require trial?
    Or suspend, by “ordinance,” the 8th Amendment and institute a regimen of torture at the local constabulary?

    Give em an inch and they’ll take a mile.

    “… those … who aim at tyranny are thought by all mankind to be worthy of death.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. I’d say the greater Denver area and he eastern/southern areas of CO are as different as the urban areas of TX vs the rural areas.
    I know of a cafe in Rifle where the staff all tote iron; I’d say that’s the prevailing attitude in most all rural areas..


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