“Media Matters” Implicated in Hillary Clinton’s Burgeoning Scandal – IOTW Report

“Media Matters” Implicated in Hillary Clinton’s Burgeoning Scandal


Writing at Fox News, Judson Berger offers us a fascinating revelation tied directly to Hillary Clinton’s missing emails:
media matters soros

The Clinton confidant under scrutiny on Capitol Hill over detailed Libya memos he sent to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told lawmakers earlier this week he has been pulling in $200,000 a year from Clinton ally David Brock’s media operation

Politico.com first reported that Republicans grilled Blumenthal on his work for Brock’s groups. But while the report said Blumenthal was making more than $10,000 a month, congressional sources say he acknowledged during the deposition he actually had a $200,000-a-year contract… The money was in addition to the $10,000 a month he was getting for work with the Clinton Foundation. more

7 Comments on “Media Matters” Implicated in Hillary Clinton’s Burgeoning Scandal

  1. I’ll say it again. If those fuckin’ Rino’s nominate Jeb, Hillary is going to be the next president.

    He’s their dream fuck puppet. Why wouldn’t they?

    Did I mention I’m sick as shit about the CONTINOUS goddam political election calendar?

    Can’t those scabrous, malignant motherfuckers give us some peace in between their election cycles? No indeed! They start their shit earlier every season.

    I grow massively weary of their odious asses being hoisted on every media platform.

    Were this nation comprised of citizens of rectitude, we would have killed off these noisome barkers by the drove. And perhaps given some caution to their followers.

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