Mexican Ingenuity?? This is Actually Pretty Stupid – IOTW Report

Mexican Ingenuity?? This is Actually Pretty Stupid

Mexican workforce

These are construction workers being touted as “ingenious.”

Really? This looks like they are expending a lot more energy than either simply having 2 men pull the 90 pound bag up by hand. And it’s a lot more dangerous.

But the joke’s on us. What they are actually doing is practicing getting over the wall.

16 Comments on Mexican Ingenuity?? This is Actually Pretty Stupid

  1. btw, … is it any wonder why they never invented the wheel (even after several centuries of the introduction of horses by the Spanish?) & now speak a European language?

  2. RG LeTourneau wrote in his book, Mover of Men and Mountains, that when he was a young man just starting out. He was working in a foundry shoveling sand like a mad man. Working up quite a sweat to impress the boss. The foundry boss after observing him said to him, ‘Young man I do not require you to work hard. I only require you to work fast’.

    Advice he remembered and made a principle he later applied to his invention of huge earth moving machines.

    These guys haven’t yet discovered how to work smart rather than hard.
    otoh, I guess it could be good training for getting over the Trump border wall fast.

  3. Obviously an ancient building technique, taught by space aliens and passed down the generations for thousands of years, from the time of the building of the first Mayan pyramids.


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