Mika Signs Three Book “Six Figure” Deal – IOTW Report

Mika Signs Three Book “Six Figure” Deal

Weinstein Books has reportedly agreed to pay Morning Joe’s Mika Brzezinski  “high six figures” to revise one of her previous works with the publisher and generate two new books.


I suggest she title her next book “Knowing You’re Overvalued.”



30 Comments on Mika Signs Three Book “Six Figure” Deal

  1. The “high six figures” is such a bs number. It could be $150K, it could be $850K but that fact is it’s under a million which means Weinstein does know her value. It also seems to be for one rewrite and two new books which is probably par for the course if you’re not selling secrets or pimping for your husband. Anyway, I suspect enough of the NOW club will buy enough for the publisher to make a profit.

  2. Morning Joe’s average viewership is just under a million. Probably 1/2 of that is airports and Dr. offices that seem to be stuck on CNN. So let’s say 500,000 voluntary viewers, and that’s being really generous. Maybe 10% of those viewers will pony-up $30 for a book. After promotions, editing, printing, and other overhead, what’s the profit margin? $5 per book? So the publisher might expect to make $250k on this book. She’s be REALLY lucky to get 1/2 that for writing it.

  3. It appears book deals are the coin of the realm for politicians and the political hacks. Just another way to launder a bribe It is high time to ban large upfront advances for them.

    I seriously doubt one HRC book ever made a profit for the publisher. The dame for BHO. I would love to see the actual accounting.

  4. I heard it’s going to be called the
    Dingbat Trilogy
    volume 1 “Living with my Communist Father”
    volume 2 “Living off the fame of my Communist Father”
    volume 3 “Living off the fame of my Second Husband Beaker”

  5. Well, good for her!
    Only in America could a know-nothing, babbling, talking head, bullshit artist get a contract like that!
    She gives hope to every dumb-ass bint in America.
    A blond Kardashian.

    izlamo delenda est …

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