Mike Huckabee’s Statement On Abortion – IOTW Report

Mike Huckabee’s Statement On Abortion

Mike Huckabee: As president, I’d consider deploying troops, FBI to stop abortions



Here’s some math.

Since 1973, roughly two generations ago,16 million black babies have been aborted. If those 16 million split 50/50 in gender, 8 million more women could have had kids. 2 children per 8 million is another 16 million. In two generations that would be 32 million blacks added to their current population. That means there would currently be 93 million black people in the US.

Since 1973, 12 million Hispanic babies have been aborted. Without abortion there would be 66 million Hispanics. Assuming 2 children per 6 million girls, 24 million more hispanics would be in the US than currently ( not counting immigration.) There would be 78 million Hispanics in the US.

Since 1973. 18 million white babies have been aborted. Without abortion there would be 116 million white people. Using the same guestimated math, today, there would be 152 million white people, 93 million blacks, 78 million Hispanics. Whites would be a minority to people of color.



37 Comments on Mike Huckabee’s Statement On Abortion

  1. The number for negroes would be about 6 children per, and for mexicans about 12. So the guesstimates are skewered. Whites would have been a minority around 1980. Plus, the death rates for negroes and mexicans would be higher, because there’d be more of em killing each other.

  2. I guess Huckleberry doesn’t realize that abortion (along with gambling, prostitution, homosexuality, polygamy, and any of the other so called “social” issues existed when the Constitution was written. Because NOT ONE of them is mentioned as being any damned business of the federal government.

  3. To conserve resources, preserve order, maintain a superior culture, and generally live in a more prosperous, safer, more educated environment, why would a conservative be anti-abortion?

    I think this happened when the religious right took over conservatism and stuck a flag in it.

    The conservative position would more naturally be pro-abortion if you removed religion from the politics.

    Having said this, I am against abortion when the baby is viable outside the womb.
    Prior to that, I’m open to discussion simply because I see an explosion of minority births (coupled with a welfare state, open borders, and incessant progressive dumbing down of standards) as detrimental to the longterm health of this nation.

  4. Before you even replied I updated my comment.
    Open borders+welfare state+progressive control (which dumb down standards, scapegoats irresponsibility, subsidizes laziness, loathes national pride, won’t recognize English as America’s language etc.) is not compatible with an explosion of births from among the underclass and people not at all interested in assimilation, if what you’re interested in is preserving an America of a certain vision. (And that vision is not an ALL WHITE America. My vision is for an America devoid of progressives. With the current political makeup, which is tied by skin color, deliberately, because of progressives, I’m afraid I applaud a slow down of minority births. Sorry.

    My record is crystal clear.
    The majority of blacks have been ruined by progressivism.
    I have nothing against skin colors.
    I just know what a skin color means in modern America, and I’m not interested in those people.
    When I find black and brown and tan conservatives, I love them.
    The more the merrier.

  5. I do believe that I would deploy troops, FBI to stop Mike Huckabee, even if I were not President.

    Damn! I gotta kick that old habit of capitalizing the word “president”. It used to actually mean something.

  6. BFH, your math conclusions assume ceteris paribus, and that demands supporting arguments. Your numbers require us to assume that women/couples who today rely on abortion would not turn to more effective contraception if abortion were not available.

  7. Didn’t see that. Changes the complexion, somewhat, wouldn’t you say?

    I’d still rather kill them as rioting adults who chose a path of roguishness than as innocents – even though killing them as innocents is far easier.

  8. Whites would be a minority to people of color.

    But isn’t this exactly why the liberals want abortion? They want to play Margaret Sanger and exterminate anyone who isn’t white. They just don’t want to say they do and will even lie about it if you dare tell the truth about them.

    I suspect this was the reasoning all along to make abortion legal. Just like the ban on DDT. They were both done to kill as many blacks and other ethnicities as possible.

    In the late 60s and early 70s, the powers that be took a look at the world population and saw it rising — past the ability of the developed nations to feed any increase. Since no one can see the future, there was no way to know all of the advancements we have had in agriculture over the last 30 years. So the only answer was to make sure millions died. In Africa, the answer was to ban DDT so millions would die from insect-borne sickness. In this country, the answer was to just murder them before they were born.

    However, abortion is biting the liberals in the ass. They have to replenish those lost voters with as many illegal aliens as possible. If the illegal aliens were all sent back and the flood across the border was stopped, about 3.75 million democrat voters would not be voting every 4 years. (The first election in which the aborted babies did not vote was 1992 — 18 years after the Roe decision. Roughly 5 million babies are aborted every 4 years. Of that, approximately 75% are from liberal parents. So, 3.75 million liberal voters lost every 4 years.) The democrats can’t sustain those loses and hope to win an election again. Not with so many liberals choosing to have no children at all. So they allow the illegal aliens in and just abort their children to keep the numbers lower than the white population growth.

  9. What about fags? It is abjectly inoperable that you, or any other so-called anarchists could hermetically seal off the issue without confronting homosexuality. In mass, and, abjectly, in toto, the birthrate would fall in every racial category, if more of em practiced faggotry.

    (this is parody, of course)

  10. That is why I kept the figures very conservative.
    Someone has made the comment that blacks and browns would be having 8 and 10 babies.
    That’s arguable.
    I made the metric even across the board for whites, blacks and Hispanics.
    And with that metric whites today would be a minority to people of color.

    Is that a bad thing?
    It wouldn’t be, at all, if skin color didn’t come with an almost statistical certainty of a particular worldview, and it’s a worldview I do not share.
    So, yes, it’s disturbing on that level.

    Do I hate black skin? No.
    Do I hate Hispanic people? I love Hispanic women. They suit my aesthetic. The casing is great, it’s just the innards I have a problem with.

    I have to laugh if you’re implying that if abortion couldn’t be used as a contraceptive that the people who currently get the most abortions would suddenly turn to other contraceptives and be absolutely responsible users.


  11. What Al said. /\

    Perhaps a more efficient solution would be to simply defund.
    And while we’re at it, there are quite a few other agencies we might defund. IRS, EPA, BATF, HUD, PBS, NPR, NEA, ETC, I’m looking at you.
    Then, the thieving bastards could put MY MONEY back in my SSI acct.
    …But I digress.

    We reached a demographic tipping point some time ago. The rat people WILL overwhelm this Country. Current policies in immigration, education and (so-called) entitlement will only hasten the outcome.
    In a few generations I expect the Blacks, Hispanics and the muzzies will be squabbling over the remains of the USA.
    Maybe sooner.

    “Melting pot” my ass.

    P.S. Thanks, barry.

  12. I have to laugh if you’re implying that if abortion couldn’t be used as a contraceptive that the people who currently get the most abortions would suddenly turn to other contraceptives and be absolutely responsible users.

    By all means, go ahead and laugh! (-: It’ll just have to be for something else, specifically my oversight in neglecting to say, “…some women/couples…”

    I get your point and agree with reservations. I’m a numbers-oriented fellow and you used numbers but not enough of them to persuade me.

    Ultimately, though, we need to match and exceed the underclass birth rate with an increase in the percentage of concealed weapons carriers and in relative lethality of those weapons. (jk)

  13. The problem starts in the third world education system that exists in America today. Spreading legs has consequences and they don’t understand the consequences, instead act like animals, then the liberal system comes along to “fix it.” Even if they do have the kid, the nanny state will pay for it. Same as anything else, there are no consequences for not having a job, the nanny state will cover it. Even if they aren’t worth $15/hr, the nanny state will pay them $15/hr. There isn’t a safety net for the system anymore. The safety net is the system. No one needs to think for themselves, or their children.

  14. Abortion is essentially undebatable, all the noise notwithstanding. You have either concluded that a child is a person with a right to life even before being born or being viable outside the womb or you haven’t. I am not aware of any logical argument that is at the basis of such conclusions. Even though many have tried to articulate such reasoning, I have found all I’ve heard or read to be fallacious.

  15. “Why would an explosion of minority births be detrimental to the longterm health of THIS nation?”

    Good question. The answer depends on how many of them would grow up to share our ardent love of this Republic as it was founded, instead of either being alternately lazy or violent vote-herd slaves, or actively working to bring it down in favor of some mythical communistic utopia that never seems to materialize.

    Of course, individuals being individuals, there’s no way to foretell this with any certainty. All we can do is look at the general examples that we DO have on hand — particularly what their parents and cultures are like — in order to predict the probable path such an explosion would take.

    I’ll let you look at the existing factors and, based on those, state whether the future of THIS nation, as it has existed, is bright, or whether it shall perish from the earth.

  16. I posted a week or so ago, in the interest of preserving my lilly white conservative heritage, I’m not seeing the down side. At their 12% we are almost at war. And things are going to get much worse in the next 6 months. My kids, Grand Kids, and the welfare of my country are my main concern.

  17. That’s why I don’t want the underclass to be blacks and browns.
    They don’t have to be. They are put there by progressives.
    They are a tool.
    I find that as repugnant as abortion.

    My numbers were merely used to show that abortion, to some degree, has staved off the permanent death of conservatism in America.

    I love when people say that babies are innocents (true) that can turn out any way anyone else turns out (mostly untrue.)
    Inner city blacks will most likely be inner city blacks on the government dole, or incarcerated (and on the dole.)

    I’m not convinced that black abortion isn’t a good thing.
    God forgive me.

  18. Threads like this, in a place like this, I treasure.

    Most of the commenters (myself excepted) are way at the top of rational and I’ll even venture, intelligent conversationalists.

    I learn things about the human condition here. Not “here” as in this forum, but here on the planet.

    I no longer comment on abortion. After decades of struggling with this emotionally fraught issue, I will leave it to others.

    I know where I am and have grown weary of the debate. But that’s OK, as I have grown old, been sterilized surgically decades ago,(yes, I did reproduce and am irrationally proud of my offspring) and consider myself a spectator at this point.

    But this is a POWERFUL issue.

    It touches on so many aspects of being human.

    First, and I believe most powerful, is the male’s desire to see his seed grow. He’s wired that way biologically.

    Second is ethical issues.

    Is it murder? At all, or every time? If done soon enough maybe not, but done later, it is? Viability outside the uterus jumps in here. But even more complicated is awareness of self in the fetus. Does it respond to stimuli? Will it ‘fight’ for survival?

    Third, who deserves the final say?

    The host mother? That conceives the new life, literally gives it nurture at the very well cost of her own well being?

    The father? Who may not be aware or even care he caused the incept of a human life.

    The government? Which seems to desire a definitive say-so into every single aspect of an individual member of its sphere of influence.

    I have no answers for any reader. I don’t possess that standing.

  19. Whites are a minority on the Earth.
    And if you except the white universe, what’s the rest look like?

    That’s the question.

    Whites are the designers of civilization.

    Wherever there are no whites, there is only ignorance and barbarism. This isn’t racism, just a simple statement of fact.
    Also doesn’t imply that the “others” can’t design a “civilization” as well – just haven’t done it.

  20. Yes it does.

    At the risk of being trivial, so does the slaughter of a pig for pork chops and back ribs stop a beating heart, but no one except conceptually challenged vegetarians and vegans call that morally wrong.

    But we all (most of us anyway) agree that killing a person is morally wrong. When does a conceived human become a person? That is not a question that can be argued with logic. Some believe that as soon as a child is conceived, it is a person with a person’s full rights. Some believe it becomes a person when it becomes viable outside the womb. Some believe it isn’t a person until it is born, either naturally or via Caesarian delivery. And some will even tell you that the baby isn’t really a person until some time later and that it is morally acceptable to kill it even though it could become a person if normally nurtured.

    See the problem? No matter which of the above describes your belief, there is not rational argument that will change your mind. You know that your are correct and that those who disagree are wrong.

  21. If it was just a ‘mass of tissue’, those bloodsucking ghouls would not have livers and hearts to harvest, now would they?
    It wouldn’t have little fingers with little nails, little balls to indicate to the ‘Its a boy’
    Evil, callous, and devoid of soul.

  22. Humanness begins at conception, unless one believes in transmogrification – which is, of course, nonsense.

    “He calls it reason – thence his power’s increased,
    To be far beastlier than any beast.”

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