Milk Dud Head Cummings Enjoys Jurisprudence Standard Not Afforded To Leftwing Media’s Targets – IOTW Report

Milk Dud Head Cummings Enjoys Jurisprudence Standard Not Afforded To Leftwing Media’s Targets

Cummings, as Townhall says, is a congressman with “a history of financial problems suddenly becoming flush thanks to his wife’s business coming into millions from companies his committee oversees.”

Real journalists want to look into this and have been stonewalled. Fake journalists, aka as leftwing media hacks, are happy with the stonewalling.

Cummings is innocent, and will remain so as long as evidence of his guilt remains hidden.

Trump, however….


CNN ran a long blog posted disguised as a “fact check” because the former Special Counsel “publicly refused to exonerate” the President. Using that standard, I have no proof everyone at CNN is not either a child abuser, necrophiliac, or both. I’ve looked, but I can’t exonerate them the allegations because I have yet to find proof they don’t do it.

While we’re at it, I can’t find any proof the employees of MSNBC aren’t cheating on their spouses. If I were married to any of them, especially the on-air “talent,” I’d be worried because I can’t prove otherwise. And don’t even get me started about what I can’t prove they don’t do to farm animals and small woodland creature.

No one, rightly, would accept the idea they were guilty of something simply because they couldn’t prove themselves innocent. I suspect most of us have no alibi for what we were doing when Malaysian flight 370 disappeared, does that make us suspects? Are we now a Kafka novel?

We aren’t, but Donald Trump is. He is guilty of something, perhaps lots of things, Democrats insist, they just have to find it. Until they do, they’re going to act like they have. And their minions in the media are content to go along with it. Maybe they should be treated the same way.


12 Comments on Milk Dud Head Cummings Enjoys Jurisprudence Standard Not Afforded To Leftwing Media’s Targets

  1. I like to play a little game with myself when I read IOTWR article headlines – I call it ‘Guess who posted the article.’ When I read ‘Milk Dud Head’, i knew this one belonged to BFH! What do I win??!!

  2. cummings- paying child support to two different women that he fathered children with, while married. And he also pays alimony to his now ex-wife from that period. Stellar. I want to know how much he benefited from the super secret house ethics committee’s hush fund that pays off victims of sexual crimes, etc, to silence them. What are the chances that those women are living in (free) government housing or collecting similar benefits? I want to know everyone who used that fund. Use of the fund is an admission of guilt, as far as I’m concerned.


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