Minneapolis Drivers – IOTW Report

Minneapolis Drivers

They live in a region of the county where it always snows and the roads become slippery, but do they slow down? No. They’re Minneapolis Drivers. And now that we’re heading into Christmas, they’re driving my roads as well, treating two lane highways like they’re four lane interstates. Watch

19 Comments on Minneapolis Drivers

  1. Having lived in MN for 30 years, the problem is that they thought that 4 wheel drive means that driving on ice means you won’t slip.

    I swear that’s what people think. I drove a Jeep for nearly 16 years there and I got such angry reactions from people driving SUVs when I was driving slow on icy roads. They expected me to drive the speed limit like ice wouldn’t affect my Jeep because I had 4 wheel drive. They would pass me giving me the finger, then end up in a ditch miles down the road.

    Jerks. I’d wave at them.

    Ok, that was mean. But it felt good.

  2. It ain’t the snow, it’s the black ice. In my short stint in Boulder I learned that as long as the road was dry you could drive fairly safely. A bit slower, and with much more space around you, but it was generally okay on plowed roads.
    One day it was around 30 and misting. That was a day to stay home. I actually walked to my car, considering the possibility of getting on the road – and the sidewalk was so slippery that I went right back inside.

  3. I have one speed when it’s snowy and icy on the roads during the winter, slow and steady and even then, sometimes that’s not slow enough especially on black ice. I’m just glad that I’m retired from driving and delivering flowers during the winter, I had enough of bad driving conditions to last a lifetime. My 2009 Subaru AWD Forester does fine in the winter as long as I keep it slow and steady.

  4. I used to think that some regions or cities had a monopoly on bad drivers. But as I got older, I realize there are bad drivers everywhere. A LOT of bad drivers. Recovering from a cracked rib right now after a dipshit ran a red light and t-boned me 2 weeks ago.

  5. I’ve driven or been an auto passenger in half the states in the U.S., in Canada, Mexico, USVI, Portugal, Spain, Seoul, Singapore, Jakarta, and probably some places I simply don’t remember. Bad driving is WORLD-WIDE. Mostly, it’s a deadly combination of stupidity and not paying attention.

    I have to admit, though, that there are some interesting driving skills overseas that I’ve never seen in the U.S. The most noteworthy was a common occurrence in Jakarta.

    Visualize an ordinary right-angle light-controlled intersection of two four-lane thoroughfares (two lanes each direction). At some point, a few drivers will actually stop for their red light. Drivers behind them will create a third lane to wait for the light. Then more drivers will fill up the two three lanes on the left side of their roadway, and there will be six cars abreast filling the entire roadway curb to curb.

    Now, realize that the exact same thing has happened on the other side of the intersection: six cars abreast filling the entire roadway curb to curb facing the original six.

    The light changes, and ultimately cross traffic stops and those earlier stopped cars start through the intersection and within five seconds traffic is running smoothly. Somehow they got it straightened out so fast I couldn’t see how it happened. I still can’t figure out how they do that, but they do it.

  6. Handsome Driver, you sound like a guy I used to work with. He would damn near get in a fistfight over declaring he would go anyplace a 4 wheel drive truck could go, then pass him when he was stuck. He’s a hard headed son of a gun!

  7. That looked more like ice. If they consider that a large snowstorm….
    Here in ME most of the illegals (Africans) stay indoors if it’s cold or snowing. They don’t need bad weather to drive like fools.
    Although last year after an actual big snowfall I saw an African spinning his wheels trying to get up a hill and turn the corner in town. After he got mostly around the corner he put his blinkers on, (their favorite when they illegally park and go shopping), get out in his usual slide sandals and walk away.

  8. When we got the first big snowfall, I usually had the end-loader clearing the parking lot at work just drop a load of snow into the bed of my pickup truck.
    Gave me good traction when needed and it would melt away in spring. Hated loading- unloading sand bags. Now that I’m retired, I just stay inside and off the roads.

  9. Back in the blizzard of 77 I had an Electronics store on corner of a side street and the main drag. Things were getting bad and I was listening to the scanner and all the accident calls. Right out in front a car crashed into the back of a car waiting at the light (the street was icing up with start/stop traffic at the light)
    Anyway a cop showed up. While he was writing the report the report a car slid into the cop car. Then a minute later another car slid into that car. The cop threw his hands up and requested back up help and salt. The main drag was only 25mph and with the bad conditions everything was happening in slow motion.

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