Mitt Romney knocked unconscious, suffers black eye during fall – IOTW Report

Mitt Romney knocked unconscious, suffers black eye during fall

NYP: Sen. Mitt Romney was knocked unconscious when he fell in Boston over the weekend, leaving him with “a lot of stitches” and a black eye.

“I took a fall. Knocked me unconscious. But I’m doing better,” Romney told reporters on Capitol Hill Monday night.

The Utah Republican said he was visiting his grandchildren when he got injured. more

58 Comments on Mitt Romney knocked unconscious, suffers black eye during fall

  1. cant even get into the black eye club with Reid and boosh and clinton et al. Stupid boob didnt even blacken the correct eye

    duckduck black eye club.

  2. My Petey B invited Romney over for COCKtails to demonstrate what a real shiner looks like so Mittens got up real extra close and personal with my unbleached elastic starfish!

  3. Is anyone keeping a list of all these Never Trumpers and how karma catches them after they dish him dirt in public? This is what your vote to impeach him got you, you asshole.

  4. Good gawd Mitt-the-worthless-whiney-bitch. Even little girls could whoop your faggoty commie ass. You are a disgrace to a your country and a disgrace to your faith. America cried when gay communist atheists in SFO and Delaware voted for ‘Good Catholics’ Biden and Pelosi. As a last resort America hoped a principled Mormon would bail us out. Instead, you made Pelosi and Biden look honorable. Shame on you. You’re a traitor to our country and your faith.

  5. He didn’t want to pay his tranny for services received and all hell broke loose. Rumor has it that tranny dude frequents Gamestop and harasses staff members.

  6. Well now we know who the First Transvestite Michael/Michelle is dating these days behind Barack’s back. Romney has learned the hard way, as did that punk Barack, that you don’t talk back to Michael/Michelle or you will get a major league ass whooping.

  7. I saw a video (youtube) on the elitist blackeye beatdown club theory and laughed.
    I guess Mittens has joined the club….But hey, we already knew he was on the other team already didn’t we…

  8. Oh … that’s a shame … a shame he woke up.

    Oh, Mittens, just think how much better off the world would be without you!
    One less source of corruption, filth, and stench.

    izlamo delenda est …


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