MLB Expected to Pick Up the Pace Next Season – IOTW Report

MLB Expected to Pick Up the Pace Next Season


The Major League Baseball competition committee is set to vote Friday on rule changes that would begin in 2023 and include a first-ever pitch clock, the elimination of the shift, bigger bases and a limit to how many times a pitcher can disengage from the rubber, according to sources familiar with the situation.

The goal is to increase action on the field, quicken the pace and reduce the amount of time it takes to play a major league game. More

33 Comments on MLB Expected to Pick Up the Pace Next Season

  1. Why bigger bases? What does that accomplish?
    What exactly is “the shift?”

    Any game I’ve been to I WANT it to take a long time so I can get properly inebriated, enjoy some snacks and chill out for my money’s worth.

  2. With the attention span of Progressives being less that of a gold fish (per an article posted here a ways back), they want to speed it up to keep them interested and not want to leave by the end of the first inning so the stadium won’t miss out on concession and gift dollars that would otherwise be lost.

  3. While they are at it, make the ball bigger so it is easier to hit. And make the bases closer together; some of those boys are a little “husky”, and are a little slow around the Diamond. And ban the wearing of a cup; it will make the basemen and out fielders a little quicker catching those line drives.

  4. I’ve always thought baseball should add a drinking game; every walk the pitcher takes a shot, every home run the pitcher takes a shot, every error the guy committing it takes a shot, and each time the umpire calls a ball out of the strike zone, the ump takes a shot.

  5. “Leave the game alone. There’s nothing wrong with it. The problems are with owners and players.”

    The best ball I’ve watched maybe ever was the Little League Championships a couple week ends ago.

  6. Something works for 100+ plus years successfully and the latest executives decide its time to change it.
    Ever wonder if things would work better if the so called “educated” weren’t in charge?

  7. Oh, c’mon! If they want to shorten the game duration, cut the number of innings to eight, or even seven.

    And, no, I really don’t want the competition committee to actually do that.

  8. More proposed rule changes:

    (1) Eliminate the strike zone.

    (2) Each batter gets a maximum of 3 pitches at bat.

    (3) If the ump thinks the pitch was hittable but you didn’t swing, he yells “WUSS!” If you swing and miss, he also yells “WUSS!” Two wusses and you’re out and the umpire yells “FAGGOT!”

    (4) But if you take all 3 pitches and don’t get a hit, the other team scores a point and it counts as an out.

    (5) If all three pitches are unhittable balls, your team scores a point and the ump points at the pitcher and yells “FAGGOT!”

    (6) Each side gets three outs per inning.

    (7) If the pitch hits you, your team scores a point and the pitcher is ejected from the game.

    (On second thought, the yelling of “FAGGOT” could be optional.)

  9. Thanks Stirrin.
    I used to watch baseball more when I was younger.
    Assholes, greed, roids, & liberals ruined it like everything else.

    I still watch some playoff games but care less and less.

    I suppose the best series EVER was when the Red Sox came back down three games in the ALCS to the dreaded Yankees.
    Good times!

  10. Anonymous SubPrime

    That Hawaiian team was amazing when you consider they’re not pulling from that large of a geographical area. It’s not like their flying players from island to island. Awesome coaching, awesome plays, awesome sportsmanship.

  11. What is this baseball you speak of? Until those overpaid brats show some gratitude baseball is dead to me. Black baseball players claiming discrimination while the stands are 95% whites paying big bucks to watch them?


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