MLB Pitcher Calls on Catholic Dodgers Fans to ‘Reconsider Their Support’ For Team Over ‘Deeply Offensive Mockery’ Of Their Religion – IOTW Report

MLB Pitcher Calls on Catholic Dodgers Fans to ‘Reconsider Their Support’ For Team Over ‘Deeply Offensive Mockery’ Of Their Religion

American Greatness:

MLB pitcher Trevor Williams, a devout Catholic, called for a boycott of the Los Angeles Dodgers Tuesday after the organization decided to re-invite a blasphemous group of “drag queens” to its Pride Night event this June.

“To invite and honor a group that makes a blatant and deeply offensive mockery of my religion, and the religion of over 4 million people in LA county alone, undermines the values of respect and inclusivity that should be upheld by any organization,” said Williams, a starting pitcher for the Washington Nationals, in a statement posted on social media Tuesday.

Williams argued that Major League Baseball games are a “place where people from all walks of life should feel welcomed” and urged the Dodgers to “reconsider” their association with the anti-Catholic group.

The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence are a worldwide “order” of transvestites who dress up like gaudy, sexually deviant Catholic nuns to mock the Catholic Church, adopting names such as: “Sister Porn Again; Sister Chastity Boner; Sister Sister Edith Myflesh; Sister Roz Erection; Sister Constance Craving of the Holey Desire; and Sister Risqué of the Sissytine Chapel.” more

16 Comments on MLB Pitcher Calls on Catholic Dodgers Fans to ‘Reconsider Their Support’ For Team Over ‘Deeply Offensive Mockery’ Of Their Religion

  1. If those from Latin America truly come here for a better life whether legally or illegally, now is the time to prove it. Stop enabling these leftist dick wagons and tell Nancy’s fancy boy to vamos.

  2. Cool, finally a real male steps up to the plate and does the right thing. I wonder if he’s going to vote for DJT, he may want to look into that, it’s blasphemous and an abomination as well.

  3. I think all the urination on moral ideas of conduct is just part of the ongoing attack on religion, another freedom some people don’t like and find ways to attack.

  4. The ragheads wouldn’t put up with that shit for a second.

    “One slap is punishment; two is cruelty.”
    (Keye Luke’s character on “Kung Fu”)

    Sooner or later …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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