Moon River – IOTW Report

Moon River

22 Comments on Moon River

  1. Henry Mancini would heartily approve. Great song, but then again, Mancini never dropped a clunker.

    And it does my heart good to hear these young people using their prodigious talent in this beautiful, heartfelt rendition.

  2. I’m torn between being cynical and snarky, or inclusively complimentary. That was a very nice rendition of Moon River, sung without a ghetto rap negro dialect. In fact, it sounded very whi…never mind. I’m bad. I hope they will vote for Trump.

  3. It was the late 50’s when my family moved to Burnside Is., I was 4 or 5.
    Interesting place to grow up, it was the sticks, went to school in a 3 room schoolhouse that I eventually tore down in the late 60’s.
    For those who don’t know, Burnside Is. was where Johnny Mercer had a house his father built.
    The rich lived on the water at the perimeter of the island, the the “servants” lived in the interior.
    I still have the original deed, it stated you were not allowed to sell to Negros.
    Had no idea who Mercer was until his big hit in 61′, he was famous before that but his career was at the ebb.
    I met him once, maybe twice, saw his wife Ginger many times.
    Had this little side business, at high tide I would go under docks and kill wasps. The wasps would build nests under the dock boards, when the people would walk down the docks the wasps would attack. A diving mask, big bucket with bricks in the bottom and gas with an empty tomato can to toss it with. Got paid a dollar plus 25 cents a nest, delivered.
    Miz Ginger would give me $5 every time and bring me a Coke.
    The river was named Back River at the time, I don’t know when they renamed it Moon River.

  4. @Dadof4
    Sure, I’m getting old, if I don’t tell them, who will.
    I was always extremely embarrassed, muddy hightop tennis shoes, shorts and a ragged teeshirt, smelling of gas.
    Miz Ginger was always nice to me, asking about school and such.
    I knew about rich people, just not world famous rich people.

  5. So beautiful! Talented kids. Absolute credit should be given to the masterful music teacher who has trained these American “persons of color” kids to sing the an American “classic”. A cultural style these kids should be relating to like any American.
    Ok. Now, someone teach them ballroom dancing.

  6. I worked with a guy who lived within walking distance of Moon River when he was in the US Army. He grew up with sixteen siblings. He always had great stories to tell.


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