More Newly Independents Were Former Democrats – the Party is Shedding Members – IOTW Report

More Newly Independents Were Former Democrats – the Party is Shedding Members


Independents reign as the voting bloc for political candidates to deal with this election year, new data show. Gallup has found that 43% of US adults identified as independent in its survey, while 27% of respondents said they’re Democrats or Republicans. That’s a low for Democrats, Axios reports. There have been blips, but independents generally started to outnumber the ranks of the two parties in 1991. “The increase in the percentage of independents has come more at the expense of Democrats than Republicans, which might be expected since Democrats were previously the largest political group,” Gallup’s post says.

The percentage self-reporting as Democrats in the telephone survey of 12,000 people was a drop from the 30% of 2020. Democrats peaked at 36% in 1998 and 2008, per Forbes. The Republican share has changed little since 2008, staying between 25% and 29%.

14 Comments on More Newly Independents Were Former Democrats – the Party is Shedding Members

  1. I understand people who hate democrats and republicans, but most independents I have met are libertarians, or Libertarians, and are just communists.

  2. I have seen two posts on Facebook from a Democrat running for Harris County DA. The first one is how he will fight to guarantee a woman’s “right” to an abortion. The second one is how everyone has a “right” to healthcare and doctors should not be sent to jail for providing it. In other words, 1) he will fight to guarantee a woman’s right to an abortion and 2) if he does not like a law, he won’t prosecute.

    That has worked out so well elsewhere.

  3. At this point I’m an independent trough and through. Actually, maybe I’m a libtard. I’ve voted for more progressive shithhats than anything else lately. Sink this fucking shit fast and now. Background, in a word: Illinois.

  4. ^^^^

    LOL, well don’t feel like the Lone Ranger pal. After all, anybody that voted for McCain or Romney fits in the same category right? And yea, I’m guilty of both. And the only reason we realize that now is because of DJT.

  5. @ RadioMattM SATURDAY, 13 JANUARY 2024, 23:48 AT 11:48 PM

    Looking back either McShitstain or Pierre Defecto would have done as much, if not greater damage that the bat eared Kenyan twink.

  6. We have to tolerate a great guy, highly accomplished, but, a hard-core leftist teacher indoctrinated by the MSM, bumper stickers in Portland, and scuttlebutt in the Teacher’s lounge. So basically, he knows nothing. Things are so bad for the commies he can no longer defend them. Last meeting he was asked why he didn’t like President Trump. He could not answer. Best he could come up with was “Well, both sides have problems ya’ know.” A life-long, hard-core leftist admitting the commies have a problem, is yuge.

  7. But thanks to our corrupt two-party oligarchy, there are still only two choices ALLOWED. Its not as though either of these worthless parties truly cares about America or can easily be replaced…even if the people wanted to.


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