More of This Please – Antifa Dirtbag Knocked Into Stiffened Slumber With One Punch – IOTW Report

More of This Please – Antifa Dirtbag Knocked Into Stiffened Slumber With One Punch

Antifa porn is my favorite. This sends a clear signal that not only are we right on ideas, we are physically mightier.

Thank Woody for sending this in—>

47 Comments on More of This Please – Antifa Dirtbag Knocked Into Stiffened Slumber With One Punch

  1. I love that video and watched it several times. The patriot showed great restraint by not hitting the skinny woman. Not sure I could have done that.

  2. Love it. I would do the same. I am 70 but working out in readiness for the day they start their big revolution. Got firearms too.

    When they attack, we can’t take into account the apparent sex of those people, a thing difficult to determine nowadays. That’s a problem they created.

    The ball is in their court. It’ll be them to take it to the next, violent level.

  3. When punching out those Marxists, think of your fist going right through their skull and coming out the other end. Envelop that one punch in your anger and hatred of those America destroyers. Make that one punch count. Make it a shot heard round the world. Make it the last punch they will ever experience.

  4. Group A show up with permit in hand for a peaceful rally.
    Group B shows up with knives and other weapons, no permit in hand to disrupt group A’s right to peaceful assembly.
    For now they are mostly throwing fists… for now.
    This problem has devolved to the point that the only way this is going to stop is when the Group B types start ending up in the morgue. They simply are not going to learn otherwise how to behave. A bully never does until he is busted in the face.
    Of course I am not advocating violence but this pressure cooker is about to explode. Sticking your head in the PC sands is not going to help the situation either.

    Something tells me that the tree of Liberty is soon going to be watered with Antifa blood.

  5. When he was revived, his first words were from the old Looney Tunes cartoons, ” Which way did he go, George; which way did he go?”
    Poor little Snowflake’s got a glass jaw!

  6. Well, this is a first! We have the clear winner by proclamation of the Video of the Month and it’s only July 1!

    I just stepped through the main part frame by frame.
    Highly satisfying! Highly recommended!

  7. Our Guy deflected two shots from a baton before punching out Capt. Sleepytime.
    That’s the difference between a guy who has been in fights, versus a guy who thinks about being in fights

  8. She needed a quick shot to the solar plexus. Little to no bruising (matters if she tries to press charges) but no wind to talk crap for a while. Bonus – she’ll have second and third thoughts about doing it again.

    She was a combatant of the support type. The guys in the drum line and playing fifes were fair game also.

  9. The saddest thing about this. You watch, the Portland cowards in office won’t do a thing to the agitators yet I guarantee their DA smelling an election talking point from their fellow socialist scum, will use that film as evidence and charge the guy landing the knock out punch with a crime, probably a felony to ‘set an example out of him’, even though it is clearly self defense.

    Once again the morons in the north (and the west) are going to start a civil war, this time though it’s going to end fairly quickly and they are NOT going to win.

  10. @Lazlo, the guy doing the hit had some kind of guard under his long sleeves, I’m going with soccer shin guards.
    Still pretty impressive, the FaFag must swing like O’Baja.

  11. Clean, pure… Now THAT’S a punch! Looks like a left temple strike, idiot was asleep while standing. No charges as film proves self-defense beyond doubt.

  12. @-Illustr8er – Saw the same thing @ 0:15.

    Could have been a splif as this IS Portlandia.

    And could not bring herself to not smoke in a fight??


    THAT DUDE stiffened up like a board…


  13. Obumbler once said of conservatives, “they cling to their guns and religion”. Hope he, the dems and the crybaby libs remember that…especially the “guns” part.

  14. That guy was a gentleman (wish our society had more of them) and showed restraint with the girl. I think that threw her more than if he had hit her because she’s probably been brainwashed to believe that we’re the corrupt ones. You can see by her expression that she wasn’t expecting his restraint. Maybe she will join the #Walkaway movement at some point because of it. Self-control is never out of style but is becoming rarer and rarer these days. For instance, I can’t read an webpage without seeing a bunch of F-this and S-that. Disgusting what our society has become–no restraint.

  15. It is a shame that most Police support the left; and therefor will not do law enforcement! I saw a lot of A+B here – which was illegal 2,000 years ago when Christ beat the shi* out of 2 money changers in the temple, and still is – but not 1 cop moved to arrest the law breakers!

    America started going to He** 17 year sago! I hope Don turns the ship around.

  16. progressives don’t care how many of their “useful idiots” get hurt or even killed. All are acceptable losses in their quest for power. They are watching the same video from a safe distance mumbling “it’s working, it’s working”

  17. Best quote from the vid:

    “Hey you knocked him out”. She said she said.

    Isn’t that the purpose you, Cee You Next Tuesday.


  18. Almost feel sorry for the kid. He dresses up with a mask and a baton and comes with a half-hearted swing at the Patriot who does not have a baton. Patriot immediately senses the weakness and demonstrates with his fist that the baton is evidently a prop that was just supposed to intimidate. You wannabe tyrants better get serious because these kids you pluck out of their mother’s basement to get all dressed up are getting knocked the hell out.

  19. Little Hitlers in their masks, acting tough. ONE Patriot handled that problem! Took 2 other guys to drag off the “wounded!” That’s the way, boys…that’s the way!

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