More Progressive Twaddle – “whoa is the black life because of the white devils” – ENOUGH! – IOTW Report

More Progressive Twaddle – “whoa is the black life because of the white devils” – ENOUGH!

When I read leftist piffle about blacks being the perpetual victims of white devil racism, I get angry. That anger causes me to resent blacks. I do believe that this is the left’s intent.

The left will continue their overreach, getting more and more absurd with their charges. Many are declaring that you’re a racist the moment you’re born into white skin.

Whites will reach their breaking point, lash out, and then the race-hustlers will point and say “seeeeeee, told ya they were racists. Where’s my reparations?”

It’s inevitable.

How does one defend themselves from these relentless and ridiculous attacks?

How does one respond to this absolute maudlin fiction being heaped by this race huckster at The Atlantic.

Here’s The New Republic reporting, with their serious lower lip-biting Clinton compassion face, about this jerk’s new book.

Punchable Face Alert —>coates

How to Live Within a Black Body

In his latest book, Between the World and Me, journalist Ta-Nehisi Coates interrogates the effects of a life lived under the gun, aware of the ever-present violence that is systematically and relentlessly perpetrated against black people in America.

Between the World and Me is a father’s advice to his only child after four decades of living as a black man in America – How to be a black man in America while bathed in the corrosive acid of the country’s prevailing belief in the supremacy of whiteness.

“It must be said that the process of washing the disparate tribes white, the elevation of the belief in being white, was not achieved through wine tastings and ice cream socials,” he writes, “but rather through the pillaging of life, liberty, labor, and land; through the flaying of backs; the chaining of limbs; the strangling of dissidents; the destruction of families; the rape of mothers; the sale of children; and various other acts meant, first and foremost, to deny you and me the right to secure and govern our own bodies.”

Coates writes: “All my life I’d heard people tell their black boys and black girls to ‘be twice as good,’ which is to say ‘accept half as much.’ And these words would be spoken with a veneer of religious nobility, as though they evidenced some unspoken quality, some undetected courage, when in fact all they evidenced was the gun to our head and the hand in our pocket.”

But not one of us understands what the rules mean, and how little they really protect us, until it becomes horribly, viscerally clear: until a suburban pool party turns into a beating; until a child carrying skittles and iced tea is extrajudicially executed by a rage-filled vigilante; until a man is choked to death on a hot sidewalk for selling cigarettes. And on, and on.

Black Americans—and other disadvantaged groups—were never intended to be a part of the Dream, and you need only to look at history to understand how fully they’ve been excluded. “You cannot forget how much they took from us and how they transfigured our very bodies into sugar, tobacco, cotton, and gold,” Coates writes to his son. Further along in the text, Coates mentions that African Americans have been free for less time than they were enslaved. He enjoins his son to never forget this, to always remember that there is no arc to the universe, much less a moral one. “[Y]our future peers and colleagues … might try to convince you that everything I know, all the things I’m sharing with you here, are an illusion, or a fact of a distant past that need not be discussed.”


The facts he’s sharing with his son are like a bucket of steam, steam he is desperately trying to cling to.

An alien from space reading this would assume that black people have no right to pursue happiness, and have never achieved happiness in the United States.

They’d think blacks would be harassed and murdered in the streets as soon as soon as whites with whips and chains spotted them, all the while being, of course, “twice as good.”

The aliens would never know that there has been more tax money and subsidizations thrown at American blacks than any other people in the history of the world.

They’d never know that standards have been being lowered and lowered for blacks over the decades, damaging the once high-level of American exceptionalism.

They’d never know that blacks are murdering blacks like Siamese Fighting fish, no whites necessary for their self-anhilation.

They’d never know that thousands of blacks are living their happy lives alongside whites and care little about what this anachronistic Hoodstuck race hustler is saying.

They’d never know that the country’s president is a black man.

(That last part just might explode the heads of the aliens, just like they were listening to Slim Whitman.)

After reading his book, and then observing reality, the aliens would have to conclude that many blacks are their own worst enemy and they are making it impossible for blacks that have their sh!t together to get along in this country.


29 Comments on More Progressive Twaddle – “whoa is the black life because of the white devils” – ENOUGH!

  1. That dudes on the down low. He’s gay. He’s a fag. And I won’t bake a cake for his dumb ass. I have a few black friends, all ex Mil. First time I met them I might of thought, “Holy shit that guys gotta good tan.” I know them, they are my friends and Skin colors got nothing to do with it. And here is the deal. I feel good hanging out with them and visa versa. I got their back, they got mine. Trust! All these guys were in the big sand box. All mountain trained. Our warriors think of color last. We should be so lucky.

  2. My father-in-law was a police officer, during his entry interview they asked him if he had any racist tendencies…he said: “No, I hate all people equally.” That is the ultimately perfect answer to all of this crap.

  3. Not to worry. Blacks don’t read and those who do will dismiss this asshole. I rub shoulders with blacks every day and I have no problem. The problem is with the media, the politicians and the intellectuals. Not working Americans.

  4. And Tommy, the only guy that can get us all back to work is Trump. When the obamanation took office Manufacturing was between 19 and 24 percent of GDP (lot’s of different data out there). It’s currently at or less than 8%. Nobody else running understands this.

  5. Hey Brad…totally off topic…so my son (10) was out walking our dog today (13 month old Chocolate Lab) when he was bit three times (drew blood) by a poodle (at a children’s playground). He exited the area, was chased by the poodle who bit him a second time…he grabbed the dog by the scruff of it’s neck, picked it up and asked “who’s dog is this?” The owners ran over, yelled multiple “f-you” profanities at him and the wife proceeded to hit him with her cane while screaming let my dog go you “f-n–bleep, bleep!” He let the dog go, was bit a third time…he exited the area (our Lab was calmly sitting at my son’s side, not barking or attacking the poodle). I was at a running race and came home to this story…we’ve reported the dog but every part of me wants to kick the crap out of the owners. I’ve decided to simply wait to see the dog again and to get it’s license number…while praying they hit me. What would you do?

  6. Put America back to work Goddamnit! Add 40,000 soldiers to the Army instead of dismissing 40,000, Train young men and women, teach them stuff they never learned in school, because their teacher’s are, for the most part, liberal assholes. After a two year stint, we would have some decent citizens.

  7. This isn’t a “black” issue. This is a “leftist” issue. They (the left) need an all out race confrontation/riots prior to the next election. If they don’t get it, they lose big time.

    I’ll not give them the satisfaction. I maintain that there are P.O.S.’s in all ethnicities and this continues to be a manufactured and propagated issue/crisis.

    Realize this: If there is no global warming contentions, race issues, tobacco issues, gun control issues, and on and on…etc…. there will be a bunch of leftist assholes out of work.

    No issues, then they have no jobs. I’ll NOT give them the fodder to continue.

    Time to take down the bird feeder and clean the bird shit out of the back yard.

  8. Despite all my Bravado here, wait. Don’t touch the ass holes. I hope your son got some pictures of your dog. If you can find witnesses of your son being hit by a cane that’s assault. Your son sounds totally bad ass. Keeping his cool in a bad situation. My wife has been calming me down since we’ve been married. You just can’t be a bad ass anymore. I have lots more boring stories. Again kudos to your son.

  9. Moe – would that be the poodle or the owner(s) ………… or all of the above?

    Of course, were I a poodle with owners like that, I’d probably run around biting everyone in sight too.

  10. I hear you…I really hear you…I told my wife I was going to take an ASP on a run…I’m in Canada…you have to first prove that whatever you use for self-defense was a complete fluke that you happened to have with you at the time. I can take a beating from a cane if it proves assault. I’d love to watch them dragged away by the RCMP, I need to keep my guns and can’t afford to get an assault charge…remember…I’m in Canada…different (pussy) rules for how I need to choose my battles.

  11. Moe Tom, I disagree.

    Mom and Dad need to be the teachers, not the school or the military who is dismissing those who believe in the constitution.

    We’re lost without the families’ teachings and values. It doesn’t include the military or anyone else. Without the ‘family values and beliefs’, this Nation is doomed.

    Thank you SCOTUS.

  12. Thanks my friend…he’s a total bad-ass…not a smart-ass…you know the difference. We’ve had an interview with the local animal welfare people (government) who were very concerned about the dog, if we can find out where it lives (this is not our first encounter with this dog), it will not go well for the owners. Their dog is now on record as a biter, (with photographic evidence) and it was in a “non-off-leash” area…they are totally screwed if we find them…is it wrong that I want to wear my son’s Ghillie suit on the trails and just wait?

    I’m so proud of my son (and our dog with his training) that neither of them lost their cool. My son came out on a three mile run later in the day and continued on even though the bite area started bugging him…”Easy day, we’ve got this, no problem, Hooya!”

  13. No! We heard this crap after Desert Shield/Storm about how we need to reinstate the draft. I’d rather every gang member not get two years of free weapons training. Just buy funyons and 40 ouncers and hipoints with EBT cards. Makes them easier to outrun.

  14. I’m a white woman, and my best friend is a black woman. We will be Besties until one of us dies. When I read crap like this “journalist” writes, I just shake my head and hope he wakes up to the real world one day, and realizes that it is him and people like him who drive a wedge between the races.

  15. Since I am obviously racist due to my skin color and as an over-taxed payer I need to know where can I go to to have my portion of taxes suspended to stop supporting this horrible atrocity…

    Just shut off the spigot already.

  16. On a wider perspective, the left is trying hard to get caucasians to accept a collective existence. Since most of us weren’t raised that way (families first, not social tribes), the collective is, has, and will be rejected by peopple of ANY color who believes in things like personal responsibility, family values, ethics/morality (i.e. God).. The solution to this mess is to have african-americans step up to these things, not for caucasians to step down. We’ll either be complacent toward the collective, or we’ll continue to fight for individual liberty.

  17. Livin in a black body usually leads to gettin shot in a black ghetto. Unless you live in a white neighborhood courtesy of Section 8. In that case wait a few years and repeat the first sentance.

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