Mosby Trying to Suppress Autopsy Report – IOTW Report

Mosby Trying to Suppress Autopsy Report

Baltimore state’s attorney, Marilyn Mosby, is catching heat and opposition today for her stated intention to keep the Freddie Gray autopsy report from being released. It is normal practice to give autopsy reports to the Baltimore police, but she is going to file a request to court for a protective order for her office to maintain control over this key document.



The Conservative Tree House offers up another reason Mosby wants to keep the report under wraps. An accusation that she pressured the medical examiner to change the cause of death from “accidental” to “homicide.” But there may be an even bigger problem than that for the attorney general to address- Where Freddie Grey sustained his injuries that lead to his death.

16 Comments on Mosby Trying to Suppress Autopsy Report

  1. “The only people who don’t want to disclose the truth are people with something to hide.” ~ barrack hussein obama

    (And the only thing he has ever said that I believe.)

  2. in the old days, Boog Powel would have just walked up to her and slapped her up side the head!! and Jonny U may have joined in as well. But those days are gone

  3. She’s gonna look pretty silly trying to be a State’s Attorney with no law license.

    Suppressing evidence / suborning perjury / and discovery violations are just the way to do it.

    If those cops’ defense teams have anything on the ball at all, it’s gonna be a slam-dunk acquittal.

    Whereupon the riots will start again, which may be what she had in mind all along.

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