BigGovernment: It’s not every day that Mother Jones magazine publishes something asking progressives to take it down a notch, but that’s what author Kevin Drum did in a piece published Tuesday.
Drum was reacting to a flood of mockery he saw in his Twitter feed Monday. While fellow progressives were directing their barbs at anyone suggesting the U.S. should reconsider taking in refugees from countries awash in Islamic extremists, Drum notes this is not a concern limited to the far right. read more
Gee Wally, is someone on the Left really able ro see over the pot smoke fog of complacentcy?
They’ve been putting Political Correctness ahead of Patriotism for so long it was only natural for them to smugly put Political Correctness ahead of common sense! Whoda thunk it!
“we should act like this is a legitimate thing to be concerned about.” In a nutshell…pretend, lie, cheat, deceive, do anything to win. It means he knows that the masses do NOT agree with progressives.
Whoa! Back in the olden days we used to just call what the left is doing “Jumping the Shark,” man. Utopia, meet reality.
…also, they “appear” detached from reality because they ARE detached from reality.
Socialists, be they Progressives, Fascists, Communists or National Socialists, prove they have their heads so far up their asses that they have to open their mouths to see where they are going.