Mr. and Mrs. Mxyzptlk – IOTW Report

Mr. and Mrs. Mxyzptlk

I’ve been emailing with reader Mr. Mxyzptlk over the past couple of months (in fact, the first correspondence was on, or the day after 9/11, I remember making that connection) about the health of his wife. Today I received an update.

Two days ago I got to the hospital early in the morning and my lovely wife said, “I need some of your strength.”
I worked one of my arms underneath her and gave her a big hug.  I said, “Take as much strength as you need.”
She replied, “I only want to borrow it”.  I said, “Take it all. I can make more.”
Last night I Ieft the hospital at 10:30pm and even after a beer and a benadryl I couldn’t sleep.
I went back to the hospital at 2:30AM (this is now continuous day 56 in the hospital) and she was surprisingly awake.
I asked her, “Do you need some more of my strength?”
She replied, very clearly, “No. God said for you to keep it. You’re going to need it.”
Two of the doctors came in later in the morning and told me the medicines and the dialysis weren’t working.
I knew that.  They told me it was time to make a decision. They asked me what I wanted to do, and I told them to pull out all those damned tubes and stuff and let her rest comfortably for a change.  They did.
My darling wife of 42 years passed away less than two hours later with me holding her hand.

97 Comments on Mr. and Mrs. Mxyzptlk

  1. May the Lord comfort your heart with His unfathomable love and with the wonderful memories of your precious wife. I am so sad for you, Mr. Mxyzptlk, and for your family and friends. You will all be in my prayers.

  2. Eternal rest grant unto Mrs. Mxyzptlk, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

    Our Heavenly Father is holding her in His hand, and obviously you know that Mr. Mxyzptlk. I pray you feel His strength when you need to actually feel it. God Bless you and yours.

  3. I cannot improve on the sentiments and prayers already extended to you in this time of need, except to say that He will be there for you–don’t be afraid to lean on Him — that’s what He’s there for.

  4. Mr. Mxyzptlk, I am so sorry for you and your family’s loss. God bless you and your family. May God give you extra strength and to carry on. Please be comforted knowing that she is no longer suffering and is in a better place.

  5. Oh gee whiz, I am so very, very sorry for your loss Mr. Mxyzptlk. My heart aches for the loss that you must feel right now. What an astounding, touching, sweet story…”God said for you to keep it. You’re going to need it.”

    She was blessed to have you, and you her. May the good Lord watch over you, as He always has…and now he has a helper.

  6. The good Lord took the better of you two, now it’s your turn to prove your worth, and I’m sure you’ll do just fine. She’ll be helping you still, as every day passes. 42 years is short, considering the lifetime you both pledged to, in the name of the Lord. And He’ll will see to it that you are never truly apart.
    God Bless, and goodnight.

  7. So comes the time to each life; we know this and expect it, but that knowledge does not make it any easier.

    My heart is broken for you and your wonderful bride; forty-two years is not long enough.

    I am a noob and don’t know your traditions. I will express mine to you: The Father attends your loss, lean on The Christ, consult The Spirit.

    You are in my prayers. G_D Bless you and your wife. R.I.P.

  8. Mr. Mxyzptlk, God bless you and your family. What a difficult decision you made, but you blessed your fine wife with the last few hours of her life with comfort. She is now telling the angels what a wonderful man you are.

    Please take as much strength from us as you grieve.

  9. Mr. Mxyzptlk, I’m so very sorry for your loss. Please know that prayers are being said for the repose of her soul, and for the Holy Spirit to provide you with the strength you will need as you grieve. Her suffering is over, but you will need the strength your darling wife told you to hang onto. God bless and keep you.

  10. Mr. Mxyzptlk, in those last two hours you shared it seems to me that you and your dear wife both fully expressed all the love and good that must have been present in all 42 years of your marriage. May God bless and comfort you.

  11. Have comfort knowing Mrs. Mxyzptlk is touching the face of G-d.
    May you and your family find peace and strength through Him.
    Her heart still beats within yours.
    You are both in our prayers.

  12. My condolences on the loss of your beloved wife and companion.
    There is none greater than God. He is our refuge and strength.
    May your many wonderful memories provide comfort and healing in the days to come.
    Shedding some tears for you and your loss. You did the right thing in letting your wife go in peace to meet her Creator.

    Please, if there is anything we can do let BFH know and he can pass the information on to us.

  13. The loss of a dear loved one stings the heart most cruelly.
    May that sting be blanketed by your loving memories and you are strengthened by your Faith, Family and Friends.
    In the Lord’s perfect timing we will be reunited.
    May Blessings reign over you and your family.

  14. O God of spirits and of all bodies, who trampled down death and overcame the devil and bestowed life on your world, yourself O Lord, rest the soul of your servant (Mrs. M) who has fallen asleep, in a place of light, in a place of green pastures, in a place of rest from where pain, sorrow and sighing have been driven away. Forgive (her) every transgression committed in word, in deed, or in thought, for you are good, O God, and the lover of mankind. For there is no man born who does not transgress and you alone are without sin, your righteousness is everlasting and your word is true.

    For you are the resurrection, the life, and the repose of your servant (Mrs. M) who has fallen asleep, O Christ our God, and to you we offer glory, together with your Unoriginate Father, and your all holy, good and life-giving Spirit, Now and ever and to the ages of ages. Amen

    We put this on my mother’s prayer card. It is comforting to me. I hope it is for you.

  15. Ironic that I’m never at a loss of what to say in this comment box until now. Couldn’t possibly improve on the heartfelt condolences above from the wonderful people that gather here.
    So very sorry for the loss of the love of your life.

  16. “A girl I know, she is partly mad. Yet behind that smile, she is partly sad. She is partly calm, she is partly wild. But she is mostly woman — No. She is mostly child.”

    I heard this today on an old movie. I can’t think of anything in my own words better — I hope you don’t mind Mr. Mxyzptlk — I didn’t know your wife, but if someone read this poem to me, I think I would like it. My thoughts are with you.

  17. AMEN!!

    Mr. Mxyzptlk My prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time.
    May the Lord give you the peace which passes all understanding.
    Your precious wife is in His everlasting arms…the best place to be!
    Draw comfort from that and the 42 years of memories. God Bless you and yours.

  18. I hope you feel the love of this forum and know that even though we’ve never met, our hearts are with you.

    I pray for your strength to endure. I pray the memories of your 42 years together sustain you. I pray that family and friends surround you with love. And I pray that you take comfort in the knowledge that you will be together again.

  19. @Mr. Mxyzptlk, I am so sorry for your loss. Your story brought tears to my eyes. It must be wonderful to give and receive the kind of love you and your wife had. I just lost my mom on Oct. 23, and while it’s not quite the same thing, I just feel so empty right now. Life is so messy, and I wish you peace and comfort during this time.

  20. So much sadness in our world. And now this. I cannot properly express my sorrow for you, on the passing of your wife. Have the Lord comfort you and the members of your family and friends.

  21. God bless you Fur Hat. These are the stories that should unite the blood and soil of America – love, respect and honoring the Author of life and His tender mercies for these souls in the midst os loss and sadness. We all will own the final chapter – See you fellow believers in the everlasting Hereafter.

  22. I am sorry for your loss.

    My wife works at a nursing home to help support our family since my injury. Unfortunately she see’s this happen often. With that being said, i can assure you that having someone that she loved by her side is the most precious gift one can give. Sadly, there are many who have no one to love them, and share that bond.

    I read this yesterday and did not comment because i had no words. Today, my wife texted me after she got to work to inform me a resident passed last night. Until about a year ago, this woman had no one. No one to visit her, no one to care for, or about her. To be honest, this was what i believe to be the root cause of her bitterness toward everyone. That all began to change when a new resident came to that facility. The two of them hit it off. Her attitude change, her outlook changed, her whole demeanor changed. For at least the 6 months those two were inseparable. Not only was it a blessing for her, but was also a blessing for him.
    This woman was told she had 3-4 months of life left over a year ago. Last year, she confided in my wife that no one would miss her when she dies. She was rather mean to almost everyone, but my wife. She saw her as her only friend. Always in her office complaining about anything and everything on a daily basis. Until Frank came along. Frank changed that woman. Frank loved that woman, and she loved him. And i thank God that that woman had someone to love her, and for her to love while she was here. There is nothing greater someone can give, than their love.

    May God, who loves you unconditionally, watch over you, and comfort you.

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