MSM Can’t Understand Why You’re So Mad About Inflation – IOTW Report

MSM Can’t Understand Why You’re So Mad About Inflation

Chris Chappell of “China Uncensored” and “America Uncovered” reviews the media’s apparent inability to comprehend the effects rampant inflation has on the livelihood of the average American. Watch

9 Comments on MSM Can’t Understand Why You’re So Mad About Inflation

  1. First, inflation was ‘transitory’. Then, we were told it was a sign of a healthy recovery. After that Biden* said it was evil corporations price gouging the public. And predictably it was topped of with “TRUMPS FAULT”. Lather, rinse, repeat.

  2. I see what I am convinced are brand new immigrants around here driving brand new C class Mercedes Benz. Always black. I at times see them in stores. They can’t speak a word of English. Their still wearing their native sandals. Exactly how much are we spending on some of these people? The impact of that border hasn’t even begin to be felt. Just wait.

  3. Turns out “inflation” is against the law. But Congress deliberately lets the FED do it. And the FED always claims, that, hey, 2% is harmless – or good for us!

    Indeed, for the thief, thievery is good.


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