Mueller Prosecutors May Have Lied To DOJ About Stone Prison Sentence Recommendation – IOTW Report

Mueller Prosecutors May Have Lied To DOJ About Stone Prison Sentence Recommendation

A DOJ official told Fox News that the prison sentence demanded by former Mueller prosecutors was “extreme, excessive, and grossly disproportionate.”


Prosecutors in charge of the federal case against Roger Stone may have lied to the Department of Justice about their lengthy prison sentence recommendation for Stone, according to a new report.

Fox News reported earlier today that DOJ was blindsided by the formal recommendation from operatives tapped by former Special Counsel Robert Mueller that Stone be sentenced to up to nine years in prison. A source told Fox that the sentence recommendation was “extreme, excessive, and grossly disproportionate” to Stone’s crimes.

“The Department was shocked to see the sentencing recommendation in the filing in the Stone case last night,” the DOJ official reportedly told Fox. “The sentencing recommendation was not what had been briefed to the Department.”

The report from Fox News suggested that DOJ was in the process of rescinding the rogue prosecutors’ recommendation. Read more here

9 Comments on Mueller Prosecutors May Have Lied To DOJ About Stone Prison Sentence Recommendation

  1. Apparently, the prosecutors who did this are all resigning. Amazing…Trump starts chopping heads, and already, some are rolling by themselves.

    Now get some justice for Flynn, please.

  2. This is nothing more than bait to get Barr’s DOJ to intervene and reduce the outrageous recommendation from Mueller’s scum-‘OH LOOK! Barr is interfering and giving Trump lackeys a pass! See how BIASED he is!” Bill Barr needs to stop enabling these a-holes who are hell-bent on destroying POTUS and all those around him–START INDICTING AND PUNISHING THEM!

  3. Time to investigate, indict and prosecute
    Mueller’s phony prosecutors .

    If this is not done it will be proof
    without question that there are two
    systems of justice in our country !


    You have a TRUMP card in the deck, just nullify whatever sentence they hand down, so what if they screech about it, they’ll move on to something else in 30 minutes. A.D.H.D. media.


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