The claim that Jews track users of Samsung smartphones by implanting secret handset devices has been made in a video released by a trustee of a UK-based Muslim charity. Incredibly, the man who created and uploaded the bizarre Zionist conspiracy footage online has been allowed to continue to run the organisation after an investigation by the Charity Commission.
If only they were….If only they were..
Yes, indeed! Bomb we much.
That guy is sthoopid. He’d be better off with a tard phone.
I heard it was iPhones
You mean a good old fashioned flip phone the one I have. Works for me, all I need it for is for work and calls from my friends and family. I don’t need all the extra bells and whistles nor to choreograph my entire life to music and videos, TV etc. And I couldn’t text if my life depended upon it. Nor do I want my every move or conversation tracked anonymously either by the govt. or some corporate entity. All in my own best interests of course.
Its’ the Koreans for god sakes!…if it was the Jews it would be Samungstein or Samsungburg…maybe even Samsungman…then you want to quibble…
Yeah and don’t fergit it wuz them nasty Icebergs that sunk the Titanic!
He probably meant F***ing Google secretly tracks Samsung smartphones. Probably non-Samsung smartphones, too.
Considering the intrusive level of surveillance, I presume Google is either German or whatever nationality the NSA is (I’m guessing Russian).
No, no, no…this is ridiculous. Everyone knows the Jews are too busy monopolizing the world financial system, poisoning water wells and kidnapping Christian children to bother with tracking users of Samsung phones.
Geez, when did BFH become Big Foil Hat ?
Quick and easy answer. . . think the Samsung’s are “bugged”? Then get an iPhone. . . or an Erickkson . . .or any other brand. But that’s too too complicated for these Einsteins (oops. did I just compare them to another Jooow?) to figure out.