My God, This Meme Has Been a Long Time Comin’ – IOTW Report

My God, This Meme Has Been a Long Time Comin’

Have any of you run into some wet-behind-the-ears, just-fell-off-the-turnip-truck-yesterday, a-hole college kid who is going to explain socialism to you like it was invented last year? They are all over social media.

Send them this –


ht/ Yosoff

12 Comments on My God, This Meme Has Been a Long Time Comin’

  1. Just as bad is my air headed sister who thinks it’s great that people in FL get to pay for a health center in Chicago and people in Chicago are paying to subsidize wind farms in Texas.

    She also believes that there’s no need to have weapons(in Chicago!) that’s what the police are for.

    The stupid hurtz

  2. Socialism is a lie based on a foundation of lies parading as a philosophy.

    It cannot work for the simple reason that nature abhors a lie, and the lie, eventually, manifests itself beyond any doubt.

  3. There are at least 4 books that these young skulls full of mush should read if they dare to learn the truth about communism and about the truth about American history. The first essential book is Witness by Whittaker Chambers, one of the best autobiographies of the 20th century to learn the truth about communism. Then The Gulag Archipelago by Alexander Solzhenitsyn vol. 1-3 especially The Soul and barbed wire which tells about his conversion to Christianity. Malcom Muggeridge’s, The Chronicles Of Wasted Time vol. 1&2 is another great autobiography of a journey from atheism and communism to believing in God. One of my personal favorites is The Roots Of American Order by Russell Kirk, a great overview of where we came from as a people steeped in the Judeo/Christian tradition and our common past because of the English common law passed down thru history to what we became as Americans. And anything by CS Lewis(especially that Hideous Strength, great book) or GK Chesterton just because. Michael D. O’Brien’s novels are another one to read, I loved The Father’s Tale, Father Elijah and Strangers and Sojourners etc., great books from a Canadian Catholic author, a little different but great books nevertheless. They caused me to think a lot about things he wrote, he comes highly recommended. And if I forgot Ray Bradbury or Robert A. Heinlein especially his earlier stories forgive me, great stuff.

  4. Sophia House by Michael D O’Brien is another great read, a book about David Schaeffer a young Jewish boy taken in, hidden in the attic and ultimately saved from the Nazis by a Polish book shop owner in Warsaw during World War 2. A great book about redemption and grace, prelude to Father Elijah, This is a great book and well worth reading.

  5. I love how lefties flip out when you say Nazis where socialists. It’s in the name! Govt controlled means of production! Some will counter and say they were nationalists. Mother Russia? Cuba? China? All nationalists. One of Marx’s bigger errors is that people would forget their heritage.

  6. Certainly true but it goes back to teaching real history in the schools not some made up culturally correct version of it. The first taste of socialism was the Mayflower Compact and only by the Grace of God did those colonists survive through the harsh winter.

    The members of the colony were so motivated to work hard that they each thought the load could be picked up by another member. The assumption was as wrong then as it is now.

  7. And this is why pointy-headed academic “intellectuals” in free countries are advocating and working toward it even when all forms of Marxism have ALWAYS FAILED. Morality and “intellectuals” often don’t get along well together.

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