Name The Band – IOTW Report

Name The Band



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233 Comments on Name The Band

  1. It’s Sunday, guys. Important, I think, to remember that everyone has or has had a vulnerable heart that could be broken. Who knows what kind of cruelty was visited upon these men and people like them who, just because of how they look, were an easy target.

    Do you think our President was kidding when he said we must have lovingkindness for each other if we are to survive?

    (sorry to rain on your parade)

  2. By the way, when Trump made that remark I spewed Dr. Pepper out my nose.
    He is one funny fellow.

    Love antifa, and we all have one common goal.
    That was his best comedy $hit yet.

  3. BFH — You guys are just too quick for me. Honestly, it takes me a few seconds just to get the punchline of most jokes — or I can only remember the punchline. 🙂

    Looks like all of them have a very low IQ. Generational drug addiction?

  4. BFH — I think we all knew that Trump was talking about reasonable people being reasonable with each other. I don’t really expect that he meant we should embrace people who want to kill us. I really do think Trump has literally got the religion.

  5. I think that making fun of these 4 guys is a good thing.

    It’s like hanging someone in the public square. It’s a deterrent.

    Kids, look at this contest.

    Don’t be one of these guys.

    And the redemption of any one of these guys is on them, not me.
    If they saw this contest I would hope they would want to make an asshole
    out of me and show up clean, sober and ready to be productive.

    I would be the first to throw them a parade.

  6. Fur — I completely agree! I think I was feeling guilty for joining in. And it made me also think of some adults I know today that I knew as children and how their hearts turned to stone and to bad behavior and drugs/alcohol because of their poor social skills or appearance as children and how they just never got a break — weak, self-absorbed parents who didn’t care, siblings who didn’t care. How sad that is.

    Anyways…don’t mean to go on. It was my trip. Pay no attention.

  7. Pencilneck and the Geeks
    The Janitors of Anarchy
    The Mullet Militia
    The experiment failed or just Failed Experiment
    Beating the odds
    Kimchi (they look as bad as Kimchi tastes)
    Products of incest
    Faces made for radio

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