National Guard Remains Deployed in Washington D.C. Without a Clear Mission or End Date – IOTW Report

National Guard Remains Deployed in Washington D.C. Without a Clear Mission or End Date


With thousands of National Guard troops deployed, Washington D.C. looks like an occupied city during wartime. The only war currently going on is ideological. However, Democrats who are proceeding with a vindictive and constitutionally questionable impeachment against President Trump are worried about protests and demonstrations as they proceed. The easy answer would be to drop it since an election has already removed him.

Instead, they will keep the National Guard troops who were deployed to secure Inauguration Day for a much longer but undetermined duration, according to Politico. This decision seems premature as the investigation into the lack of preparedness of January 6th is ongoing. The FBI and the NYPD appropriately alerted Capitol Police about threats of violence during the certification vote. Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund has stated that he requested to call in the Nation Guard, but security officials for the House and Senate rejected his request.

At this point, it does not appear as if the Capitol was inherently vulnerable. Instead, it seems like it was allowed to remain vulnerable. Neither sergeant at arms for the House or Senate made a public statement, but Sund alleges there were concerns about optics. It is still unknown if the congressional leadership was involved in the decision to refuse National Guard assistance.

If the guard had been called in to assist in securing the Capitol on January 6th, they would have had a clear mission based on intelligence regarding a potential attack. A national tragedy could have been avoided. Now, members of the National Guard tell Politico that there is no specific mission, and they have not received any intelligence about credible threats. more

23 Comments on National Guard Remains Deployed in Washington D.C. Without a Clear Mission or End Date

  1. Most fascist and communist dictatorships have large numbers of troops stationed in their capitols.

    Why should we be different?

    Gotta keep up with the Venezuelans, ya’ know.

  2. “Why are Americans putting up with this crap?”

    More than just putting up with it, somewhat over half of us seem to want it.

    Makes us feel safe and secure or something, I guess.

  3. They’re not so stupid that they can’t sense the anger out there.
    They’re shoving every flaky leftist idea they’ve had for years through as quick as possible because they know their time is limited.
    These people have no confidence and they’re extremely paranoid.
    They should be!

  4. Penelope JANUARY 26, 2021 AT 12:48 PM
    Why are Americans putting up with this crap?

    If all of us would have backed Sidney Powell or Rudy or Lin Wood with massive street protests we could have stopped this. Now we’re at the mercy of the deep state and they’re vindictive rulers.
    God have mercy.

  5. Don’t worry they are not really troops they just wear the uniform! National Guard training, two days per month and two weeks in the summer, is abysmal! Right now they are nothing more than props in a democrat made for tv serial!

  6. Perhaps Democrats want them national guard troops in DC until after the very in the near future “next” inauguration.
    Think about it…

    According to Doctor Google 21,000 Covid deaths since the inauguration of fraudster biden.

    Democrats lie & cheat.
    Republicans are weak.

  7. One would think that when a politician uses his/her position to persecute and oppress a political rival, it would be grounds for their own impeachment. Especially when the action they chose is contrary to the Constitution (all kangaroo courts are)! These democrats are such perverts, they are even trying to pervert the Constitution.

  8. Where are they being billited? President Trump has volunterred the use of his Hotel, but probably not for their entire duration. The Governors need to call their troops home, STAT.

  9. Protecting capital buildings from erection surely means NG soldiers are getting hazardous duty pay or combat pay while in DC?

    Congress probably already voted themselves erection pay. Right Swalwell?

  10. They’re still on the defensive, worried about their own necks. It’s when they deploy the federal troops to confiscate guns from private citizens you’ll know they’re confident in their powers.


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