“The person in custody whom the Secret Service shot at while he was in possession of a semiautomatic rifle is Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, three senior law enforcement officials briefed on the matter said,” NBC confirmed on Sunday.
Attempts have been made to track Ryan Wesley Routh’s social media footprint on Sunday but they remain unconfirmed.
The alleged would-be Trump assassin on Sunday stood 300-500 yards away from the former president with scoped rifle, authorities said. more

“But with a rifle and a scope like that, that’s not a long distance.”
Bullshit, that’s about the end of its effectiveness in an AK.
7.62×39 is a heavy bullet with a big drop, 300 yards, you better be good.
He looks more fag than warrior sniper.
from a earlier post,
Hakeem Jeffries
“Extreme MAGA Republicans are the party of a national abortion ban and Trump’s Project 2025.
We must stop them.”
It’s passed time to start playing cowboys and Democrats. He just legitimized this to the rest of the nut jobs.
There are worse posts out there from Libtards. Incredible.
That crunt Dana Bash has the gall to blame Trump and Vance for death threats on bureaucrats in Springfield, because both dared to mention the sick criminal stuff going on there. Meanwhile the cackling crunt Harris and the Cadaver in Chief call Trump Hitler and call him a threat to democracy, and Bash and all the other media minions just nod along and silently agree.
But when wojak psychos actually follow through on trying to kill Trump, none of these media pricks blame the President or VP for inciting violence against Trump. In fact, they’re calling for Vance to drop out because he “created a false story”.
Anyway, I don’t get it. If Tampon and Underdesk are kicking ass in the polls, Underdesk just destroyed Trump in the debate, and the election is safely fortified, why are all these people trying to take out PDT?
Because they’re scared shitless that Trumps going to win the election and the democraps and their evil allies will do anything make sure that doesn’t happen. Guess what all you jackasses on the left, God wins and you lose. I believe that Trump has favor from God and is divinely, supernaturally protected and you ain’t got squat because you worship false small g gods who can’t do anything but keep you straight down the path to hell.
Bad_Brad, I really believe the Heritage Foundation came up with Project 2025 to pin it on Trump’s back. Or watch approvingly as the deep state/Uniparty stuck it to his back with a knife. The Heritage foundation has no intention of doing any if the Project 2025 things. It’s all just for provocation of nutjobs.
You know it’s serious when they have 3 names, Ryan Wesley Routh.
I’m sure he will be found, quickly cremated, and crime scene scrubbed.
The SS is really good at such things.
If the swamp is drained, will there be anybody left?
You must be some sort of nut job because I totally agree with you. I typed a while back, why hasn’t the Heritage Foundation posted a disclaimer on their web site. But it goes much further. The Heritage Foundation has a huge presence on FOX News. If you wanted Trump as your President you would announce it there for everyone to hear. I now consider the Heritage Foundation an enemy of the Republic.
@Cmn¢¢guy — For sure this is a minor side issue, but I’ve got three names. It’s a very good bet that you have three names. A very large proportion of Anglo-Saxons have three names.
The question about Routh is did he use all three the way most people use the usual two? And was James Earl Jones a secret homicidal maniac? 🙄
And what about people like me who uses all three names but only two at a time? Family and friends use my middle name plus surname, but in business or legal things I use my first name along with my surname.
My guess is that bad guys’ names are published with all three so that newspapers, etc., don’t get griped at by innocent people with the same first/last names as some evil-doer. How many Lee Harvey Oswalds are there compared to Lee Oswalds? John Wayne Gacys compared to John Gacys?
I think the left had better back up a little and take a look at what the situation they are putting themselves in. A couple of more shots at our candidate and some people on our side are gonna decide that enough is enough.
Corrupt judge postpones Trump sentencing and one week later, guy shoots Trump in Butler, PA. Fast forward, second corrupt judge postpones Trump sentencing and one week later, a guy attempts to shoot Trump in Florida. I’m starting to see a pattern develop.
I noticed that hateful cunt hasn’t suspended her ads full of hate, hoaxes & bullshit outright lies this time…
Just before the first attempt on Trump, Old Joe was at a fundraiser when he said Forget about the debate, we need to put a target on Trump. Why that’s hardly incendiary at all :/
Almost like he was sending a coded message.
Somebody put him on a genealogy site as “deceased” on the 15th–
it shows an anonymous handle for the poster.
His father’s obituary appears to be put on internet in 2021 and looks like a white collar guy, this thing I think is his says chemist. His mother may still be alive, I hope she does not have TDS like her grandson
His father’s obit is on Find-a-grave under Daniel and I saved it to the Wayback; also there’s a family tree on Family Search where Ryan is labeled “deceased” and it wont save but I got a picture
was hack-eem the alarm mofo? which ****** was it?
I found it interesting that the first reports tried to claim the shots had nothing to do with Trump but were two people shooting at each other close by the club.
I wonder if they would have kept that story up if they could have?
Another of the FBI’s (or CIA’s, or DHS’s) unguided missile failures?
Stir em up, arm em, and cut em loose.
Probably drugs involved, as well.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
A different perspective:
I know it goes against the grain here, but I am not buying the first one. It was moulage.
Suspect to be charged with hunting golfers out of season.
lots of ghettopotamus ****** bitches taking shots @ djt
Paging Jack Ruby, paging Jack Ruby.
I tried listening to that Rumble vid link above but it was exhausting to follow the ideas and gave up half way through
I see now he says 1st one was “moulage”
I had to look that word up “Dave”
“Dave VA” with a cross
RIGHT go away